Карта Hexagonia custom map [HDRP] 2022-05-15

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It takes 1-2 days to fix this map, you said you would do it in one day, as a result, you have been updating for a long time)
The map is being updated now.
All of the original prefabs were built into the map as 1 giant prefab so now after i have loaded this into rust edit all of the monuments and prefabs are missing.

But I have loaded all of the original monuments back onto this map and added the new artic base and desert military bases with a few more custom prefabs.

I am currently working on fixing the caves and adding all of the rocks and cliffs back to this map (every rock is missing due to update and will require manual placing).
I am also adding a couple floating islands players can build on (this feature has it's limits now with rustedit , but we can still pull it off). I will make sure no building is allowed under the floating islands only ontop of them.

I expect to have this ready within 1 week due to the amount of work needed to bring it back.
Go sit in the corner Mefisto.
I do not need your help or your poor advice.

When i am done this map will be available to all very cheap and I will keep it updated and current.
Not a single word of yours was not sderazhno.
You said that you would leave the forum, to your half-dead forum - as a result, you cried here like a hysterical woman and did nothing.
You said you'll fix the map during the day, but you've been messing with it for a lot of time
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Skuli Dropek
I didn't offer you my help.
And I will never offer, you are not worthy of her, in my eyes you are not worth a penny.
You're an idle hysteric who always scares everyone with your plugins, leave - and I'll update them.
Not a single word of yours was not sderazhno.
You said that you would leave the forum, to your half-dead forum - as a result, you cried here like a hysterical woman and did nothing.
You said you'll fix the map during the day, but you've been messing with it for a lot of time
Not a single word of yours was not sderazhno.
You said that you would leave the forum, to your half-dead forum - as a result, you cried here like a hysterical woman and did nothing.
You said you'll fix the map during the day, but you've been messing with it for a lot of time

You advertised this website when you first came here: https://megaplugin.ru

Now it is shut down and DEAD.
You poke your nose in things that do not concern you.

And now you continue talking to me as if I care what you say.

Mefisto it is simple listen to me: I do NOT respect you nor care what you have to say.

You can stalk my threads all day long begging for maps and begging for handouts, but you will always be a scrub in my eyes.

Now stop commenting here before I embarrass you further like the scrub you are.
Вы рекламировали этот сайт, когда впервые пришли сюда: https://megaplugin.ru

Теперь он выключен и МЕРТВ.
Ты суешь свой нос в то, что тебя не касается.

А теперь ты продолжаешь говорить со мной так, как будто меня волнует, что ты говоришь.

Мефисто, это просто, послушай меня: я тебя НЕ уважаю и мне все равно, что ты говоришь.

Вы можете весь день бродить по моим темам, выпрашивая карты и выпрашивая милостыню, но вы всегда будете ничтожеством в моих глазах.

А теперь прекрати комментировать здесь, пока я еще больше не опозорил тебя, как скрягу, которой ты являешься.
Have you humiliated me?
In which place?
Show me at least once, if you think that you blurted out something, then it's a shame in my direction - you're wrong.
https://megaplugin.ru - this was a forum that was bought by me to close it.
You don't know anything about me at all, but you're barking something here, puppy.
  • Ха-ха-ха
Реакции: WebGhost
Listen closely:

You jumed into this conversation and you tried your best to steal this map from me when no one was talking to you.
I have no interest in you or what you do.
I have kept my plugins updated and current flawlessly, and I will continue to do that.

I will fix this map which now has all monuments and caves placed on it, just have to fix the rocks and cliffs for HDRP.
I will then upload this map for FREE to everyone here because unlike you I am not all about the $$$.

I believe a map this great deserves to have people enjoy it, that is why I wanted this map fixed in the first place.

Had you not tried to butt into this and steal it from me I maybe could have worked with you, but after all this madness you caused, I can promise you I will never seek your "help". You simply do not deserve this map Mefisto.

It is in the right hands now and being fixed properly.

Now you run along and try to forget about it, because all this talking is not going to change anything.
I will fix this and post it as soon as I am done with it.

Until then nothing changes.
Listen closely:

You jumed into this conversation and you tried your best to steal this map from me when no one was talking to you.
I have no interest in you or what you do.
I have kept my plugins updated and current flawlessly, and I will continue to do that.

I will fix this map which now has all monuments and caves placed on it, just have to fix the rocks and cliffs for HDRP.
I will then upload this map for FREE to everyone here because unlike you I am not all about the $$$.

I believe a map this great deserves to have people enjoy it, that is why I wanted this map fixed in the first place.

Had you not tried to butt into this and steal it from me I maybe could have worked with you, but after all this madness you caused, I can promise you I will never seek your "help". You simply do not deserve this map Mefisto.

It is in the right hands now and being fixed properly.

Now you run along and try to forget about it, because all this talking is not going to change anything.
I will fix this and post it as soon as I am done with it.

Until then nothing changes.
I did not want to work with you. And I never offered you my cooperation.
This concludes our conversation. You are too small for me.
  • Ха-ха-ха
Реакции: WebGhost
This map will be completed and uploaded here by this weekend.
I apologize for the delay, but it seriously was a lot of work to bring this beautiful map back to life.

My team has worked together on this project adding back the original beauty and functions of this map plus a few new custom features.

This map will be uploaded here for free so everyone can enjoy it.

Thanks for your patience and the opportunity to do this project for the community.
  • Мне нравится
  • Люблю это
Реакции: TheDoc и WOLF SPIRIT
Hexagonia custom map [HDRP] - 2.0.0 Updates

  • All broken non HDRP cliffs and rocks
  • All broken monuments
  • Updated all roads and paths
  • Added Electrical Power Lines
  • Removed Floating Islands for now as they cause alot of Lag for players
  • Artic Research Base
  • Desert Military Base
  • UFO Custom Prefab Puzzle
  • Custom Weed Dispensary at Bandit Camp
  • Underground Railway Connections
  • 4 Caves
  • 2 Buildable...
Invalid Position: chicken.corpse[65261] (-240.8, -500.8, -354.8) (destroying) RUST has auth level 2 RUST disconnecting: Exception (cs:84529): NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. MaterialConfig.GetMaterialPropertyBlock (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.Vector3 pos, UnityEngine.Vector3 scale) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) MaterialSetup.OnEnable () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Prefab.Spawn (UnityEngine.Vector3 pos, UnityEngine.Quaternion rot, UnityEngine.Vector3 scale, System.Boolean active) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) World.Spawn (System.String category, Prefab prefab, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation, UnityEngine.Vector3 scale) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) World.Spawn (ProtoBuf.PrefabData prefab) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) World+<Spawn>d__71.MoveNext () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) WorldSetup+<InitCoroutine>d__15.MoveNext () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Prefab:Spawn(Vector3, Quaternion, Vector3, Boolean) World:Spawn(String, Prefab, Vector3, Quaternion, Vector3) World:Spawn(PrefabData) <Spawn>d__71:MoveNext() <InitCoroutine>d__15:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
Invalid Position: chicken.corpse[65261] (-240.8, -500.8, -354.8) (destroying) RUST has auth level 2 RUST disconnecting: Exception (cs:84529): NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. MaterialConfig.GetMaterialPropertyBlock (UnityEngine.Material mat, UnityEngine.Vector3 pos, UnityEngine.Vector3 scale) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) MaterialSetup.OnEnable () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Prefab.Spawn (UnityEngine.Vector3 pos, UnityEngine.Quaternion rot, UnityEngine.Vector3 scale, System.Boolean active) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) World.Spawn (System.String category, Prefab prefab, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation, UnityEngine.Vector3 scale) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) World.Spawn (ProtoBuf.PrefabData prefab) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) World+<Spawn>d__71.MoveNext () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) WorldSetup+<InitCoroutine>d__15.MoveNext () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Prefab:Spawn(Vector3, Quaternion, Vector3, Boolean) World:Spawn(String, Prefab, Vector3, Quaternion, Vector3) World:Spawn(PrefabData) <Spawn>d__71:MoveNext() <InitCoroutine>d__15:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
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