"List of items": [
"name": "Items/Detonator Cap",
"mincount": 1,
"maxcount": 5,
"chance": 0.1
"Prefix": "<color=#ff9966>Radioactive house</color> ",
"The time after which the next shack will spawn after the previous one has disappeared": 3600.0,
"The time after which the shack will disappear after the shack has already been taken": 180.0,
"The duration of the event, if it is not picked up within X seconds, it will disappear": 3599.0,
"The time it takes to find the key to the door": 300.0,
"Minimum person to start (not less 1)": 1,
"radiactiveHousePos": [
"name": "winter",
"pos": "-2068.78, 182.875, 1208.731"
"name": "forest",
"pos": "-2674.589, 283.6281, -813.9224"
"name": "desert",
"pos": "-645.3057, 241.7302, -2214.017"
"name": "red desert",
"pos": "1233.461, 299.4619, -1884.715"
"name": "arka",
"pos": "-2678.557, 269.2448, -2528.645"
"name": "korabl",
"pos": "-915.2287, 233.812, -2438.202"
"name": "crossroad",
"pos": "1475.228, 204.7502, -1899.655"
"name": "airfield",
"pos": "1124.911, 194.4053, -3352.688"
"name": "boonies",
"pos": "-1269.364, 178.0141, 1185.167"
"name": "transit",
"pos": "-2603.134, 178.2825, 1609.538"
"name": "rt2",
"pos": "-2378.846, 200.2309, -927.0706"
"name": "rt1",
"pos": "-3319.789, 202.7251, -1482.855"