Платное Custom Buttons 2.0.6

{{ "Hide Buttons": { "When using Computer Station": [ [B] "button_name",[/B] [B]"panel_name"[/B] ], "When Player is dead": [ [B]"*", [/B] ⇚ [I]using [B]*[/B] symbol basically means "all buttons"[/I][B][I] [/I] [/B] [B]"panel_name"[/B] ], "When Player is looting": [ [B]"button_name",[/B] [B]"panel_name"[/B] ] }, "Base Position": { ⇚ [I]starting point of buttons, afterward can be adjusted with offsets[B] [/B][/I] "Anchor Min": [B]"0.5 0.2", [/B] "Anchor Max": [B]"0.5 0.2" [/B] }, [B][I]QUICK TIP: [/I][/B][I]by using 0.5 0.0 you will achieve complete button responsivity[/I] "Font Settings": { "Font Style": [B]"robotocondensed-bold.ttf",[/B] "Base Font Size": [B]13[/B], "Base Font Color": [B]"1 1 1 1",[/B] "Font Outline Color": [B]"0 0 0 1",[/B] "Font Outline Thickness": [B]"0.1 0.1"[/B] }, "Chat Commands": { "Open GUI": [B]"custombuttons",[/B] "List all Panels": [B]"custombuttons_list",[/B] "Toggle buttons on/off": [B]"custombuttonstoggle"[/B] }}