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Платное Epic Loot 1.2.1

  "ScrapRefund": "You received a scrap refund on your research.",
  "CraftRefund": "You received a refund on your last craft.",
  "FreeUpgrade": "You received a free upgrade.",
  "NoPerms": "You do not have permission to use this command.",
  "GenItemInvalidParameters": "Invalid parameters. Usage:\n- genitem <target> <optional: item shortname> <optional: enhancement type> <optional: tier>",
  "UISetTypes": "SET TYPES",
  "InfoMiners": "<color=#ffb600><b>Miners: </b></color>Increases your mining yield by x%, for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoLumberjacks": "<color=#ffb600><b>Lumberjacks: </b></color>Increases your woodcutting yield by x%, for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoSkinners": "<color=#ffb600><b>Skinners: </b></color>Increases your skinning yield by x%, for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoFarmers": "<color=#ffb600><b>Farmers: </b></color>Increases your farming yield by x%, for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoForagers": "<color=#ffb600><b>Foragers: </b></color>Increases your gathering yield by x%, for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoFishermans": "<color=#ffb600><b>Fishermans: </b></color>Increases your fishing yield by x%, for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoAssassins": "<color=#ffb600><b>Assassins: </b></color>Increases your damage to other players in PVP by x% for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoDemo": "<color=#ffb600><b>Demo: </b></color>Decreases damage taken from explosives by x% for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoElemental": "<color=#ffb600><b>Elemental: </b></color>Decreases damage taken from fire & cold by x% for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoScavengers": "<color=#ffb600><b>Scavengers: </b></color>Provides x% chance to obtain additional scrap for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoTransporters": "<color=#ffb600><b>Transporters: </b></color>Reduces fuel consumption by x% in heli/boat for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoCrafters": "<color=#ffb600><b>Crafters: </b></color>Increases the crafting speed by x% for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoReinforced": "<color=#ffb600><b>Reinforced: </b></color>Reduces durability loss on all items by x% for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoTamers": "<color=#ffb600><b>Tamers: </b></color>Reduces damage from animals by x% for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoHunters": "<color=#ffb600><b>Hunters: </b></color>Increases damage done to animals by x% for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoOperators": "<color=#ffb600><b>Operators: </b></color>Increases damage done to humanoid NPCs by x% for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoJockeys": "<color=#ffb600><b>Jockeys: </b></color>Increases the speed of horses you ride by x% for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoRaiders": "<color=#ffb600><b>Raiders: </b></color>Provides an x% chance for thrown explosives or rockets to be replaced for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoBuilders": "<color=#ffb600><b>Builders: </b></color>Provides an x% chance for upgrade and build costs to be refunded for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoAssemblers": "<color=#ffb600><b>Assemblers: </b></color>Provides an x% chance for components to be refunded when crafting for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoFabricators": "<color=#ffb600><b>Fabricators: </b></color>Provides an x% chance for an additional item to be crafted for each piece equipped.",
  "InfoKnights": "<color=#ffb600><b>Knights: </b></color>Decreases damage from melee attacks by x%.",
  "InfoBarbarians": "<color=#ffb600><b>Barbarians: </b></color>Increases damage from melee attacks by x%.",
  "InfoMedics": "<color=#ffb600><b>Medics: </b></color>Increases the healing received by x% for each piece equipped.",
  "UIPlayerSettingsTitle": "PLAYER SETTINGS",
  "UIReposButtonDescription": "Reposition the HUD icon",
  "UIToggle": "Toggle Hud button",
  "UINotificationsToggle": "Toggle nofications for buffs",
  "UIReposButtonText": "CHANGE",
  "RegrowProc": "The tree you felled quickly regrows.",
  "RockcycleProc": "The rock you mined has been rock-cycled.",
  "FabricateProc": "You manage to fabricate an extra {0}.",
  "PSearchNotFoundID": "No player found matching ID: {0}",
  "MorePlayersFound": "More than one player found: {0}",
  "GenerateItemHookResponse": "You received: {0}. \n- Tier: {1}. \n- Value: {2}",
  "MissionItemReceived": "You received {0} for completing the mission.",
  "UIMoveL": "L",
  "UIMoveU": "U",
  "UIMoveR": "R",
  "UIMoveD": "D",
  "UIMainBuff": "BUFF",
  "UIMainBonus": "BONUS",
  "UIMainSetBonus": "SET BONUSES",
  "UIMainSetBonusLine": "<color=#42f105>+</color> {0} Bonus: <color=#42f105>+{1}%</color>. This is shown in the bonus above.\n",
  "UIMainSetBonusDefault": "No bonus info to show. Equip more items with the same set type in order to receive bonuses.",
  "UILeftPanelBuff": "BUFF: ",
  "UILeftPanelTier": "TIER: ",
  "UILeftPanelModifier": "MODIFIER: ",
  "DispayName.Buff.Miners": "Mining Yield",
  "DispayName.Buff.Lumberjacks": "Woodcutting Yield",
  "DispayName.Buff.Skinners": "Skinning Yield",
  "DispayName.Buff.Farmers": "Farming Yield",
  "DispayName.Buff.Foragers": "Foragers Yield",
  "DispayName.Buff.Fishermans": "Fishing Yield",
  "DispayName.Buff.Assassins": "PVP Damage",
  "DispayName.Buff.Demo": "Explosion Resist",
  "DispayName.Buff.Elemental": "Elemental Resist",
  "DispayName.Buff.Scavengers": "Bonus Scrap Chance",
  "DispayName.Buff.Transporters": "Fuel Economy",
  "DispayName.Buff.Crafters": "Crafting Speed",
  "DispayName.Buff.Reinforced": "Durability loss",
  "DispayName.Buff.Tamers": "Animal Damage Reduction",
  "DispayName.Buff.Hunters": "Animal Damage Bonus",
  "DispayName.Buff.Operators": "Scientist Damage Bonus",
  "DispayName.Buff.Jockeys": "Horse Speed",
  "DispayName.Buff.Raiders": "Explosive Refund Chance",
  "DispayName.Buff.Assemblers": "Crafting Refund Chance",
  "DispayName.Buff.Knights": "Melee Damage Resistance",
  "DispayName.Buff.Barbarians": "Melee Damage Bonus",
  "DispayName.Buff.Fabricators": "Fabrication Chance",
  "DispayName.Buff.Builders": "Building Upgrade Refund Chance",
  "DispayName.Buff.Medics": "Healing Bonus",
  "Description.SetBonus.FreeVehicleRepair": "Allows you to repair your vehicle for no cost.",
  "Description.SetBonus.IncreasedBoatSpeed": "Increases the speed of your boat by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.SetBonus.InstantCook": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance to received cooked meat when skinning.",
  "Description.SetBonus.InstantMining": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance to instantly mine a node out.",
  "Description.SetBonus.InstantSkinning": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance to instantly skin an animal.",
  "Description.SetBonus.InstantWoodcutting": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance to instantly cut a tree down.",
  "Description.SetBonus.PVPCrit": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance to deal additional critical damage against players.",
  "Description.SetBonus.Reflexes": "You take <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> less damage from players.",
  "Description.SetBonus.Regrowth": "Trees you cut down have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of instantly regrowing.",
  "Description.SetBonus.Researcher": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of getting your scrap back while researching.",
  "Description.SetBonus.Smelting": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of smelting your mined ore while mining.",
  "Description.SetBonus.Survivalist": "You receive <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> more calories and hydration when eating and drinking.",
  "Description.SetBonus.Feline": "You take <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> less fall damage.",
  "Description.SetBonus.Lead": "You take <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> less radiation damage.",
  "Description.SetBonus.Gilled": "You take <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> less drowning damage.",
  "Description.SetBonus.BonusMultiplier": "Increases the total bonus <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.SetBonus.Smasher": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of instantly destroying a barrel or sign.",
  "Description.SetBonus.WoodcuttersLuck": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of a random item dropping when a tree is cut down.",
  "Description.SetBonus.MinersLuck": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of a random item dropping when a node is mined out.",
  "Description.SetBonus.SkinnersLuck": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of finding a random item inside of an animals stomach.",
  "Description.SetBonus.FishersLuck": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of finding a random item inside of fishes stomach.",
  "Description.SetBonus.RockCycle": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of a mined node to reappear.",
  "Description.SetBonus.Attractive": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of a barrel contents appearing in your inventory when destroyed.",
  "Description.SetBonus.FishingRodModifier": "Increases your rods tensile strength by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.SetBonus.TeamHeal": "Shares <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> of heals that you receive with nearby team mates.",
  "Description.SetBonus.HealthShot": "Heals team mates damaged by you for <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> of your weapons base damage.",
  "Description.SetBonus.BulletProof": "Decreases your damage taken from bullets by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.SetBonus.UncannyDodge": "You have a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of dodging a projectile and receiving no damage.",
  "Description.SetBonus.MaxHealth": "Your max health is increased by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Miners": "This item will increase your mining yield by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Lumberjacks": "This item will increase your woodcutting yield by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Skinners": "This item will increase your skinning yield by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Farmers": "This item will increase your farming yield by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Foragers": "This item will increase your non-grown collection yield by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Fishermans": "This item will increase your fishing yield by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Assassins": "This item will increase your damage in pvp by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Demo": "This item will reduce explosive damage by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Elemental": "This item will reduce fire & cold damage by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Scavengers": "This item will give you a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of obtaining extra scrap from barels and crates.",
  "Description.Buff.Transporters": "This item will give you <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> better fuel economy.",
  "Description.Buff.Crafters": "This item will increase your crafting speed by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Reinforced": "This item will reduce your durability loss by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Tamers": "This item will reduce your damage from animals by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Hunters": "This item will increase damage dealt to animals by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Operators": "This item will increase damage dealt to scientists by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Jockeys": "This item will incease your riding speed by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Raiders": "This item has a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of refunding your explosive items.",
  "Description.Buff.Builders": "This item has a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of refunding your building upgrade costs.",
  "Description.Buff.Assemblers": "This item has a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of refunding your crafting materials.",
  "Description.Buff.Knights": "This item reduces the damage taken from melee attacks by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Barbarians": "This item increases the damage from your melee attacks by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "Description.Buff.Fabricators": "This item has a <color=#65d615>{0}%</color> chance of fabricating an additional item while crafting.",
  "Description.Buff.Medics": "This item increases healing by <color=#65d615>{0}%</color>.",
  "UILeftSideTierString": "\n   <size=12>- <color=#B71BA9>{0}</color>:</size> <size=8>{1}</size>",
  "UILeftSidePerm": "\n   <size=12>- <color=#B71BA9>Perm</color>:</size> <size=8>{0}</size>",
  "CraftedProc": "You managed to craft an enhanced item: <color={0}>{1}</color>.",
  "eladdskinusage": "Usage: /eladdskin <set type> <item shortname> <skin ID>\nExample: /eladdskin Transporters pants 2533474346",
  "eladdskininvalidbuff": "{0} is not a valid buff.",
  "eladdskininvalidshortname": "Invalid item shortname {0}",
  "eladdskininvalidskinid": "Skin IDs must be numerical only.",
  "eladdskinsuccess": "Setup static_skin for {0} [{1}] under {2}.",
  "UIOn": "<color=#00ab08>ON</color>",
  "UIOff": "<color=#bf2405>OFF</color>",
  "elsettingsnotificationsoff": "You will no longer receive messages relating to Epic Loot.",
  "elsettingsnotificationson": "You will now receive messages relating to Epic Loot.",
  "elhudoff": "Your HUD button has been disabled. You must use <color=#65d615>/{0}</color>",
  "elhudon": "Your HUD button has been enabled.",
  "BoatSpeedBoosted": "The speed of the boat was boosted due to your setbonus [Speed: <color=#ffae00>{0}</color>]."