Платное Custom Cargo Ship Tiers 2.0.0

The following is the default tier configuration. If you need to add additional tiers, duplicate it and assign a unique name to the new tier.
"Version": "1.1.0",
"Maximum Population": 1,
"Disable Vanilla Cargo Ship": false,
"Tiered Cargo Ships": {
"Kraken": {
"Enabled": true,
"Maximum Population": 1,
"Lifetime Minutes": 50.0,
"Automated Spawn": {
"Enabled": true,
"Cargo Ship Layout": 2,
"Spawn Chance": 100,
"Minimum Active Players Required": 0,
"Minimum Spawn Time Minutes": 90.0,
"Maximum Spawn Time Minutes": 135.0
"Summon Profiles": {
"vip": {
"Enabled": false,
"Cargo Ship Layout": 2,
"Spawn Group Alias": "",
"Cooldown Minutes": 360.0,
"Price": [
"Currency": "scrap",
"Enabled": true,
"Amount": 700
"Currency": "techparts",
"Enabled": true,
"Amount": 10
"Currency": "coins",
"Enabled": false,
"Amount": 1000
"Currency": "points",
"Enabled": false,
"Amount": 1000
"PVE": {
"Rulesets": [
"Enabled": true,
"Relation": "Teammate",
"Priority": 0,
"Interactions": {
"CanLootCrate": true,
"CanHackCrate": true,
"CanLootCorpse": true,
"CanDamageNPC": true,
"CanPickupCollectible": true,
"CanBeTargetedByNPC": true,
"CanLootDroppedBackpack": true,
"CanUsePortal": true
"Enabled": false,
"Relation": "ClanAlly",
"Priority": 1,
"Interactions": {
"CanLootCrate": false,
"CanHackCrate": false,
"CanLootCorpse": true,
"CanPickupCollectible": false,
"CanDamageNPC": true,
"CanBeTargetedByNPC": true,
"CanLootDroppedBackpack": true,
"CanUsePortal": true
"Enabled": true,
"Relation": "All",
"Priority": 2,
"Interactions": {
"CanLootCrate": false,
"CanHackCrate": false,
"CanLootCorpse": false,
"CanDamageNPC": false,
"CanPickupCollectible": false,
"CanBeTargetedByNPC": false,
"CanLootDroppedBackpack": false,
"CanUsePortal": false
"Scientist Spawns": {
"Deck A": 1,
"Deck B": 1,
"Deck C": 1,
"Deck D": 1,
"Deck E": 1,
"Deck F": 1,
"Deck G": 1,
"Deck H": 1,
"Crew Building Exterior A": 1,
"Crew Building Exterior B": 1,
"Crew Building Interior A": 1,
"Crew Building Interior B": 1,
"Hull Interior A": 1,
"Hull Interior B": 1,
"Mast": 1
"Loot": {
"Enable Customized Loot": false,
"Initial Respawn Delay Seconds": 10.0,
"Rounds Spacing Minutes": 10.0,
"Locked Crate Hack Duration Seconds": 900.0,
"Loot Spawn Rounds": {
"0": [
"Crate Prefab Name": "junk",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 4,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 4
"Crate Prefab Name": "military",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 4,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 4
"Crate Prefab Name": "elite",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 1,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 1
"Crate Prefab Name": "hackable",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 1,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 1
"1": [
"Crate Prefab Name": "junk",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 4,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 4
"Crate Prefab Name": "military",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 4,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 4
"Crate Prefab Name": "elite",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 1,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 1
"Crate Prefab Name": "hackable",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 1,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 1
"2": [
"Crate Prefab Name": "junk",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 4,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 4
"Crate Prefab Name": "military",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 4,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 4
"Crate Prefab Name": "elite",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 1,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 1
"Crate Prefab Name": "hackable",
"Spawn Group Alias": "Default",
"Minimum Spawn Amount": 1,
"Maximum Spawn Amount": 1

"Editor.NoPermission": "You lack the necessary permission to use this command.",
"Editor.StartedEditing": "Welcome to the editing dungeon, my aspiring captain!",
"Editor.AlreadyEditing": "You are already editing the cargo ship!",
"Editor.NotEditing": "You must first enter the cargo ship edit mode to perform this action!",
"Editor.DoneEditing": "Done editing cargo ship. Changes have been saved.",
"Editor.SyntaxError": "Incorrect command syntax! To start editing the cargo ship, use <color=#F2994A>cargo.edit</color>. To finish editing, use <color=#F2994A>cargo.edit done</color>",
"Editor.Help.Header": "<size=18><color=#F2C94C>Cargo Ship Editor Help</color></size>",
"Editor.Help.Enter": "<color=#F2C94C>•</color> <color=#F2994A>cargo.edit</color> - Enters the cargo ship editing mode.",
"Editor.Help.Exit": "<color=#F2C94C>•</color> <color=#F2994A>cargo.edit done</color> - Exits the cargo ship editing mode.",
"Editor.Help.SpawnGroup.Create": "<color=#F2C94C>•</color> <color=#F2994A>cargo.spawn create <SpawnGroupType> <SpawnGroupAlias></color> - Creates a new spawn group.",
"Editor.Help.SpawnGroup.Edit": "<color=#F2C94C>•</color> <color=#F2994A>cargo.spawn edit <SpawnGroupType> <SpawnGroupAlias></color> - Edits an existing spawn group.",
"Editor.Help.SpawnPoint.Delete": "<color=#F2C94C>•</color> <color=#F2994A>cargo.spawn delete [SpawnPointId]</color> - Deletes a spawn point.",
"Editor.Help.SpawnGroup.Done": "<color=#F2C94C>•</color> <color=#F2994A>cargo.spawn done</color> - Stops editing the current spawn group.",
"Editor.Help.SpawnGroup.Draw": "<color=#F2C94C>•</color> <color=#F2994A>cargo.spawn draw</color> - Draws the spawn points of the current spawn group.",
"SpawnGroup.InvalidType": "The spawn group type you entered is not valid! Please use <color=#F2994A>loot</color> or <color=#F2994A>portal</color> as the spawn group type.",
"SpawnGroup.Create.AlreadyExists": "A spawn group with this alias already exists! Please choose a different name.",
"SpawnGroup.Create.Success": "Spawn group <color=#F2C94C>{0}</color> created successfully! You can now add spawn points to the spawn group.",
"SpawnGroup.Create.SyntaxError": "Incorrect command syntax! To create a new spawn group, use the command <color=#F2994A>cargo.spawn create <SpawnGroupType> <SpawnGroupAlias></color>",
"SpawnGroup.Edit.NotFound": "Cannot find the specified spawn group to edit.",
"SpawnGroup.Edit.Success": "Editing begun for spawn group <color=#F2C94C>{0}</color>! You may now add or remove spawn points from this spawn group.",
"SpawnGroup.Edit.SyntaxError": "Incorrect command syntax! To edit a spawn group, use the command <color=#F2994A>cargo.spawn edit <SpawnType> <SpawnGroupAlias><color=#F2994A>",
"SpawnPoint.Create.Success": "Spawn point created.",
"SpawnPoint.Delete.NotFound": "No spawn point found corresponding to the given id.",
"SpawnPoint.Delete.Success": "Spawn point deleted.",
"SpawnPoint.Delete.SyntaxError": "Incorrect command syntax! To delete a spawn point, use the command <color=#F2994A>cargo.spawn delete [SpawnPointId]</color>",
"SpawnGroup.Done.DoneEditing": "Done editing spawn group. Changes have been saved.",
"SpawnGroup.Done.NotEditing": "You are not currently editing any spawn group! To edit a spawn group, use the command <color=#F2994A>cargo.spawn edit <SpawnType> <SpawnGroupAlias><color=#F2994A>",
"Summon.OnCooldown": "You have to wait <size=16><color=#F2C94C>{0}</color></size>d <size=16><color=#F2C94C>{1}</color></size>h <size=16><color=#F2C94C>{2}</color></size>m <size=16><color=#F2C94C>{3}</color></size>s before you can summon another ship!",
"Summon.InsufficientAmount": "Insufficient <color=#F2C94C>{0}</color> amount! <color=#F2C94C>{1}</color> required.",
"Summon.NoPermission": "You lack the necessary permission to summon this tier!",
"Summon.TierNotFound": "The specified tier named <color=#F2C94C>{0}</color> could not be found!",
"Summon.TierDisabled": "The selected tier is disabled and cannot be summoned.",
"Summon.ProfileDisabled": "The summon profile for this tier is currently disabled.",
"Summon.PopulationLimitReached": "The cargo ship population limit for this tier has already been reached. Try again later.",
"Summon.Success": "You have successfully summoned the cargo ship. Good luck!",
"Summon.SyntaxError": "Incorrect command syntax! To buy a tiered cargo ship, use <color=#F2994A>cargo.buy <TierName></color>."