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Платное SecurityCameras 0.2.35

  "Control Options": {
    "Only allow camera access to players authorized on the base TC": true,
    "Sign controller image URL": "[URL]http://www.chaoscode.io/oxide/Images/aslsign.png[/URL]",
    "Require a targeting computer to create a controller": true,
    "UI Panel Colors": {
      "Background": {
        "Color (hex)": "#️2b2b2b",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.98
      "Panel": {
        "Color (hex)": "#️404141",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 1.0
      "Button": {
        "Color (hex)": "#️767676",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.9
      "Selected": {
        "Color (hex)": "#️ce422b",
        "Alpha (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.9
  "Camera Options": {
    "Allow friends and clan members to place/remove cameras and controllers": true,
    "Maximum allowed cameras per base (Permission | Amount)": {
      "securitycameras.use": 4,
      "securitycameras.pro": 10
    "Camera placement and removal distance": 4,
    "Display camera overlay UI": true,
    "Camera overlay image URL": "[URL]http://www.chaoscode.io/oxide/Images/camera.png[/URL]"
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 5