Плагин Notifier [Paid]

Oxide Россия

Команда форума
7 Дек 2017
Speedy2M submitted a new resource:

Notifier - Notifier for Rust


  "Advert Messages": [
    "<orange>Need help?<end> Try calling for the <cyan>Admins<end> in the chat.",
    "Please avoid any insults and be respectful!",
    "Cheating or abusing of game exploits will result in a <red>permanent<end> ban.",
    "You are playing on: <orange>{server.hostname}<end>",
    "There are <orange>{players.active}<silver>/<end>{server.maxplayers} <silver>players playing in the server, and<end> {players.sleepers}<end>...

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its an older version cause the last one that was available on oxide had alot of hook erros and didn't work so well. I will push an update soon tho to fix the lang files and some other stuff. But this version right now is fixed sofar and ready to use. I can upload a modified BetterChat version that is based on 4... that works with it if its needed. Diablo 2 There are tons of plugins on here that are "just translated" but free on oxide that are sold here so where is the problem to sell a working plugin that got removed on oxide ? But i do agree if this community wants to keep this plugin alive we can set it for free. I noticed that this community cares more to keep old plugins alive thats why i'am here.Sorry to write in english but thats easier for me.
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Реакции: MrFallen
its an older version cause the last one that was available on oxide had alot of hook erros and didn't work so well. I will push an update soon tho to fix the lang files and some other stuff. But this version right now is fixed sofar and ready to use. I can upload a modified BetterChat version that is based on 4... that works with it if its needed. Diablo 2 There are tons of plugins on here that are "just translated" but free on oxide that are sold here so where is the problem to sell a working plugin that got removed on oxide ? But i do agree if this community wants to keep this plugin alive we can set it for free. I noticed that this community cares more to keep old plugins alive thats why i'am here.Sorry to write in english but thats easier for me.
all okey bro. I see you code on this plugin. No problems)
[OFF]Thank you :) i really have to say this community is so much better then the "real" oxide[/OFF]
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Реакции: MrFallen
[OFF]Nice to see people from another communities joining oxide russia. Welcome man :yum:[/OFF]
[OFF]Не думаю что это хорошо т.к. у них есть форумы наподобие Chaoscode.io куда он бы мог выкладывать свои плагины,а приперся сюда. +продает плагин людям которым даже не сможет обьяснить что-то в случае чего[/OFF]
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Реакции: Diablo 2
[OFF]Не думаю что это хорошо т.к. у них есть форумы наподобие Chaoscode.io куда он бы мог выкладывать свои плагины,а приперся сюда. +продает плагин людям которым даже не сможет обьяснить что-то в случае чего[/OFF]
[OFF]Он тут уже не первый, он наверно первый иностранец что выкладывает на продажу у нас, но до него уже полно типов было из всяких стран стягивали у нас и где то продавали, та пусть пользуются не банить же))[/OFF]
Последнее редактирование модератором:
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Реакции: Speedy2M
Thank you :) i really have to say this community is so much better then the "real" oxide
[OFF]Thx, bro. We will make this community even better, together![/OFF]
[OFF]Не думаю что это хорошо т.к. у них есть форумы наподобие Chaoscode.io куда он бы мог выкладывать свои плагины,а приперся сюда. +продает плагин людям которым даже не сможет обьяснить что-то в случае чего[/OFF]
[OFF]Ничего страшного, будем развивать сообщество, а трудности преодолевать вместе.[/OFF]
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Реакции: Speedy2M
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