Плагин Pve Mode 1.1.9

Greetings! Sorry, I don't speak Russian, I understand it only with a translator. Yes, I am studying your question. I'll try to solve it.
where you need to add this in the config for it to work, insert it before the version number and that’s it.
config = new JObject
["Damage"] = 500f,
["ScaleDamage"] = new JArray
new JObject { ["Type"] = "NPC", ["Scale"] = 1f },
new JObject { ["Type"] = "Bradley", ["Scale"] = 2f }
["LootCrate"] = false,
["HackCrate"] = false,
["LootNpc"] = false,
["DamageNpc"] = false,
["DamageTank"] = false,
["TargetNpc"] = false,
["TargetTank"] = false,
["CanEnter"] = false,
["CanEnterCooldownPlayer"] = true,
["TimeExitOwner"] = 300,
["AlertTime"] = 60,
["RestoreUponDeath"] = true,
["CooldownOwner"] = 86400,
["Darkening"] = 12
Greetings! Sorry, I don't speak Russian, I understand it only with a translator. Yes, I am studying your question. I'll try to solve it.
this is what I have in my config

"Time to clear damage information from players to NPCs after the last damage was dealt to an NPC [sec.]": 60,
"Prohibit a player from entering the event area if he is the owner of another event? [true/false]": true,
"Ignore administrators? [true/false]": false,
"Configuration version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 1
Как настроить данный плагин чтобы не давал лутать людям боссов?
What i need to do to restrict players looting corpses of bosses from plugin BossMonster?
Как настроить данный плагин чтобы не давал лутать людям боссов?
What i need to do to restrict players looting corpses of bosses from plugin BossMonster?
однажды помогал админу с этим, получилось настроить только когда босс в мешок не превращяется, а остается трупом. а теперь сам мучаюсь с тем что не знаю как сделать так чтоб вообще работало. конфигом не поделитесь?
Excuse me, but this plugin is the latest version, and it works. But if you read what it does, you would probably think about buying it.
yes , but why my friend can loot bosses, even if i do more damage? i enabled setting in the plugin BossMonster to use PveMode , but it doesnt protects the loot of boss
Resilient обновил(а) ресурс Pve Mode новой записью:


  • Fixed a bug where the entity of the event could cause damage to an entity not the owner of the event
  • Added logging in the logs folder when a zone is created and when a zone is destroyed
  • Added a Hook when the owner appears at the event zone and a hook when the owner is cleared
  • Added the ability to add crate when Pve mode is running for an individual Npc
  • Added support for all turrets and API for adding event turrets
  • Added better support for TruePVE

Узнать больше об этом обновлении...
Помогите настроить конфиг у меня другой почему то
"Время очистки информации о нанесенном уроне от игроков к NPC после нанесения последнего урона по NPC [sec.]": 300,
"Запрещать игроку входить внутрь зоны ивента, если он является владельцем другого ивента? [true/false]": true,
"Игнорировать администраторов? [true/false]": false,
"Версия конфигурации": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 5
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