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Скидка Server Supporter Bot 3.2.1

Версия Дата выпуска Скачивания Оценка
3.2.1 1 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
3.2.0 3 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
3.1.0 1 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
В продаже - Без обновления
- Fixed anti staff ping
- Added multi role support to anti staff ping
- Added customizable messages to the anti staff ping
- Fixed multi server RCON connections
- Fixed pop threshold errors
- Fixed error with announce command
- Code command is not on a custom generator system
- Fixed Discord leave and joins not logging
- Temp removed the userinfo command
- Added leave and join logs for your rust servers
All it is is removing the need for a non used NPM package 'webrconjs'

There is no actual update to any of the commands.
If you were running into the issue "cannot find module "webrconjs"" this will be a fix to the error.

All you need to do is replace you index.js file with the one from this update
This is quite a hefty update...

Fully remade the rcon connection section to the bot
---- [ THAT INCLUDES ] ----
- F7 report logging has been updated to look slightly nicer and provide both players BM profiles
- You can now block the logging of F7 reports from certain people or against certain people
- You no longer have to display your servers population in the bots status
- You can now define multiple RCON commands channels instead of one
- You can now enable the logging of RCON messages to Discord without needing to enable the RCON commands
- You can now filter out certain messages that come through RCON console and not post them in discord. So if you have something that spams often you can block those messages from sending.
- Rcon messages now get chunked in 3. So for every 3rd RCON message that gets sent it will send all 3 in one embed to help avoid rate limits in Discord.
- You can now allow the moderator mute commands to be sent through multiple channels
- You can now specify if you use better chat or not. This will allow for nicer chatlog messages to Discord.
- Improved the chat logs logging messages

---- [ NON RCON UPDATES ] ----
- The messages removed in Discord will not longer post if a bot message was removed.
- Fixed error with the stats command when you send in a vanity URL
- Fixed per server status when you use the medium size embeds
- Fixed a miss wording in the eac command
- Updated RustMaps generation settings.