Платное Pyramid 666 1.0.4

About Pyramid​

first off i should warn you this monument will straight up murder your players and basically every trap their lifeless useless body will not be retrievable. there are many many rooms and about 23~ of the rooms all have different puzzles that have a medium/high chance to kill your players
this a pyramid with a ton of puzzles in most of the rooms and all of the puzzles can/probably will kill your players... A LOT. but they seem to enjoy it... masochists'... there are 4 separate main paths that all lead to the same room you can see this in the video. the video only does 1 path and is the easiest path also shows no secrets. each of the 4 paths have secrets and branches in them. each path has their own normal loot at the end but is not the main loot of the pyramid. there are many secret rooms but only 1 real loot room that are quite difficult for players to find...
i also made it very easy to change the exterior of the pyramid to your pleasing. info in zip file
8045 prefab
780 io
186 loot container - they only have access to roughly 10-25% of the loot depending on which path they take then they will need to exit the pyramid and try again from the start
there is a guide in the zip file with more details on how to place prefab

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Дьявольская пирамида для вашего сервера


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