Система блокировки возможностей игрока во время рейда.
# Конфиг
# Конфиг
"Main": {
"RaidBlock time of C4": 5,
"RaidBlock time of RaidDrill": 7,
"Radius of RaidBlock": 150,
"Blocked build objects": [
"Titranium Workbench",
"Blast Furnace",
"Block construction hammer": true,
"RaidBlock for clan members": true,
"RaidBlock at Explosixe(not enabled)": false
"RaidBlock for Admins": true,
"Logs": true
Blocks system at during raid.
# Config
# Config
"Main": {
"RaidBlock time of C4": 5,
"RaidBlock time of RaidDrill": 7,
"Radius of RaidBlock": 150,
"Blocked build objects": [
"Titranium Workbench",
"Blast Furnace",
"Block construction hammer": true,
"RaidBlock for clan members": true,
"RaidBlock at Explosixe(not enabled)": false
"RaidBlock for Admins": true,
"Logs": true