Поиск Plugin noweapon recoil (Отключить отдачу)


4 Ноя 2018
Is there any plugin that can change recoil system of all the weapons to norecoil?

I really wish that i can pay it.

Ищу плагин который отключит отдачу на сервере, готов за такой заплатить.
Well, I live in Cuba and we play Rust in lan with all the country but without internet so its not official servers and we did an anticheat by ourselves. But there still having players who use bloody mouse or others with macro and we can't do anything to avoid this and as they have an advantage that others don't have. We want to make equality for everybody. We are 450 players and we have 4 servers of rust at the same time each one has limit of 120 players . So we were thinking to keep 1 or 2 servers like original and put the other 2 with this type of plugin. We can create this plugin but it will take time as we are not professional and the person that can make it is full of work.
Hmm, Yes, it is not pleasant to play on server with such players, but it seems to me that this will not solve your problem much, you have not tried to try to track such players and block them for example, there are many plugins for sending out such violators
Use plug-ins to detect such players and suspicious players are called for verification by server moderators, they are asked to show computer files, sometimes even mail for the presence of letters with information about the purchase of cheats and macros, also helps to determine the presence of such files in the system program that many use RustCheatCheck
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