Server Supporter Bot - All in one Rust server manager through discord
- Fixed error with the stats command when you send in a vanity URL
- Fixed per server status when you use the medium size embeds
- Fixed a miss wording in the eac command
- Updated RustMaps generation settings.
This is quite a hefty update...
Fully remade the rcon connection section to the bot
---- [ THAT INCLUDES ] ----
- F7 report logging has been updated to look slightly nicer and provide both players BM profiles
- You can now block the logging of F7 reports from certain people or against certain people
- You no longer have to display your servers population in the bots status
- You can now define multiple RCON commands channels instead of one
- You can now enable the logging of RCON...
All it is is removing the need for a non used NPM package 'webrconjs'
There is no actual update to any of the commands.
If you were running into the issue "cannot find module "webrconjs"" this will be a fix to the error.
All you need to do is replace you index.js file with the one from this update
- Fixed multi server RCON connections
- Fixed pop threshold errors
- Fixed error with announce command
- Code command is not on a custom generator system
- Fixed Discord leave and joins not logging
- Temp removed the userinfo command
- Added leave and join logs for your rust servers
- Fixed anti staff ping
- Added multi role support to anti staff ping
- Added customizable messages to the anti staff ping
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