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Продам Стиль сайта RUST CASTA (gamestore.app)

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        background-image: url(https://gspics.org/images/2022/01/30/0QYonu.png)
Там css код и джава код, выглядеть будет вот так https://rustpia.gamestores.app/#/app/store/
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Condensed:400,700&subset=latin,cyrillic);
* {
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 * ============================================
              css dev:
              discord: 7859.
              vk: https://vk.com/kiss_lyak
 * ============================================

 *  =================================================================
 *                             Attention!
 *  *If you try to steal the code, you will be reported to the DMCA.
 *  *Attention, the code of this site is officially registered.
 *  *We strongly do not recommend copying it in order to avoid fines!
 *  =================================================================
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Пока никто не печатает сообщение