Плагин SimplePVE 1.2.1


24 Ноя 2023
SimplePVE - A simple PVE plugin to modify or change PVE rules individually


Control PVE Rules from in-game or in the config
Easy to understand each individual Rules
Create PVP Schedules
Many more features are added every update

• /simplepve - Use to enable or disable pve toggle
• /rsp - Use to reload the plugin
• /sprules - Use to Open a Cui to control PVE Rules & Creating Schedules

• simplepve.admin - Required to enable or disable SimplePVE
• simplepve.adminloot - Required to view Loots
• simplepve.admindamage - Required for...
Ну и если у кого возникнет проблема с временем, для таймера:

В конфиг-файле, найти строку

"Schedules Setting": {
"UTC Time Difference": 360

360 -
это часовой пояс +6
Для Московского времени (+3) нужно установить значение значение 180.
Ну и примеры для других часовых поясов: +1 (60), +2 (120), +4(240) и т.д.

Надеюсь поможет кому.
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: YakYak
SimplePVE - Version 1.1.10

(Please remove your old config file when installing the update.)

- Fixed TeslaCoil damages players

- Fixed TeslaCoil without owner can damage players (For RaidableBases)

- Added SupplyDrop Loot Rule

- FixedRacked Weapon Support in Loot Rules

- Added Damage block from ReactiveTarget (ComputerStation Turrets)

- Added Anti-Ladder/Twig placement on other player base (Teams/Clan Exception)

- Added new rules in ZoneRules config

- Added PVP delay time when exiting a pvp zone (Change timer...
SimplePVE - 1.2.0

(Remove your old config file when installing the update.)

- Latest design with NewUI

- Added new schedule system with weekdays support (Please remove the old Oxide/data/SimplePVE/SchedulesTime.json file)

The New Weekdays schedule will only work if Enable Weekly Schedule to TRUE

- Added config for Commands to execute when pvp purge starts and ends(Only executes commands when enable pve or pvp from Schedules)
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