Плагин Dungeon Events 2.1.6


27 Янв 2025
Dungeon Events - Choose from Easy, Normal, Medium, Hard, and Nightmare dungeons.

About Dungeon Events​

Transform your server experience with fully customizable, dynamic dungeons that both challenge and reward your players! Dungeon Events makes it simple to spawn procedurally generated or holiday-themed (Halloween/Xmas) dungeons across the map, packed with NPCs, auto turrets, and loot crates. You have near-endless possibilities for adjusting

Choose from Easy, Normal, Medium, Hard, and Nightmare tiers to accommodate every...
ILKDev обновил(а) ресурс Dungeon Events новой записью:

Dungeon Events

  • Improved the player detection mechanism inside the dungeon by replacing the overall bounds check with a per-cell check.
  • The new system iterates over each spawned dungeon cell and calculates its bounds with additional padding and a fixed vertical height.
  • This change ensures that players near the dungeon's boundaries (such as near the entrance) are reliably detected.
  • Additional debug logging has been added to assist in diagnosing and verifying the player detection process...

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