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Бесплатное DrawBridge 2.0.13

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Allows Players to place there very own Drawbridge in Rust.

NOTE 1 : All bridges will respawn in the full upright position on server restarts or plugin reloads. Bridges that are locked down or have a custom set angle will be reset as well. I will be working on having it save the custom angles and lock status soon !!!.
NOTE 2 : All bridges can be damaged normally. if bridge looses too many parts, it will fall apart !!

Standard or VIP Players with permission, can go up to a foundation or floor, run the /bridge.build chat command. And it will place a drawbridge on that building block. The bridge will match the building grade by default. Changed grade of the Base block, will change the grade of bridge once the bridge has been toggled to move.

Standard users get to place 2 drawbridges by default.
VIP users get to place 10 drawbridges by default.
Master Builders have no restrictions.

New Version 2.0.1 from the video adds a lot of new stuff for everyone. With the addition of a Master Builder permission, which basically gives unlimited bridges and the ability to invert blocks and place bridges on any building block. plus the ability to set custom angles for the bridge/ramp.
everyone gets the abilty to lock the bridge down, and place a pressure plate (landmine) on the floor for easy toggle of bridge (don't worry, only owner can toggle it, or friend/clan mates if used)
And added the destroy ability, just in case you really don't want the bridge anymore.

Video is for Version 2.0.0. I remake it soon to add the extra cool features I added in 2.0.1
DISCLAIMER !!! The patrol boat in video does NOT come with this plugin :) (coming soon as another plugin)

Another Cool idea with the new Custom Ramp angles !!!!!

Permissions :
bridge.builder - standard user permissions. gives 2 bridges by default if using the max bridges checks.
bridge.buildervip - VIP user permissions. gives 10 bridges by default if using the max bridges check.
bridge.masterbuilder - unlimited bridges not matter what. can use extra Master builder commands. And if set allowed, master buliders can place a bridge on any building block. Not just floors or foundations.

Chat Commands:
All authorized users:
/bridge.use - this will toggle any bridge within use range that is not locked down and is owned by you. Unless you allow Friends or Clan mates. then they can toggle then as well.
Standard and VIP users:
/bridge.build - while looking at a foundation or floor, it will place a new bridge on it.
/bridge.rotate - while standing on a bridge base block, it will turn the bridge 90 degrees each use. you can only rotate your own bridges.
/bridge.lock - while standing on a bridge base block, it will lock ONLY that bridge from moving. Toggling this again will unlock that bridge. you can only lock your own bridges.
/bridge.count - this will give player his current bridge count.
/bridge.destroy - this will allow player to destroy there own bridge while standing on the bridge base block.
/bridge.setplate - this will place a pressure plate (landmine) on the bridge base block. when stepped on, it will toggle players local bridges within user range just as if they used the chat command /bridge.use. Using this command on a block that has a pressure plate, will remove that plate.
NEW !! /bridge.setpublicplate - this will place a public pressure plate (landmine) on the bridge base block. when stepped on, any player will be able to toggle bridge. No perms needed at all.

Master Builder users: (BETA commands, still in the works.)
/bridge.setramp - this will allow you to set the ramp angle. Example: use /bridge.setramp 45
this will set ramp to 45 degree angle which then can be locked down. Currently setting past 90 has a few glitches. you may need to go back to upright first, then set a new position. I'm working on NASA-ing the shit out of the code to make sure the angles are legit for the future... lol
/bridge.invert - this will invert the bridge base block upside down. in turn will flip bridge as well.

Default Configuration:
  "Max Bridges : Normal Authenicated User : ": 2,
  "Max Bridges : VIP Authenticated User : ": 10,
  "Range : Player will activate all bridges within this range : ": 20.0,
  "Range : Player will destroy all bridges within this range : ": 0.5,
  "Range : Player will invert all bridges within this range : ": 0.5,
  "Range : Player will lock all bridges within this range : ": 0.5,
  "Range : Player will rotate all bridges within this range : ": 0.5,
  "Range : Player will set ramp angle on all bridges within this range : ": 0.5,
  "Stability : Minimum Stability needed to place drawbrige on floor : ": 50.0,
  "Usage - Add Pressure Plate to bridge when building ? ": false,
  "Usage - Allow Bridge to be built on Floors ? ": true,
  "Usage - Allow Bridge to be built on Foundations ? ": true,
  "Usage - Allow Master Builders to place bridge on ANY building block ? ": false,
  "Usage - Block players from building on bridge floor itself ? ": true,
  "Usage - Use Bridge Sound Effects ? ": true,
  "Usage - Use Clan memebers to use Owners Bridges ? ": false,
  "Usage - Use Friends to use Owners Bridges ? ": false,
  "Usage - Use Max Bridge Checks ? ": true,
  "Usage - Use Stability Check when building ? ": true

Explanation of Configuration Options:
Max Bridges : Normal Authenticated User - Total number of bridges non VIP permission players get to build.
Max Bridges : VIP Authenticated User - Total number of bridges VIP permission players get to build.
Range : Player will activate all bridges within this range - When player type /bridge.use or steps on pressure plate, this is the range at which any bridge that is not locked down, will activate and rotate up or down.
Range : Player will destroy all bridges within this range - When player uses the /bridge.destroy command, this is the range at which it will effect bridge.
Range : Player will invert all bridges within this range - When Master builders uses the /bridge.invert command, this is the range at which it will effect bridge.
Range : Player will lock all bridges within this range - When players uses the /bridge.lock command, this is the range at which it will effect bridges.
Range : Player will rotate all bridges within this range - When player uses the /bridge.rotate command, this is the range at which it will effect bridges.
Range : Player will set ramp angle on all bridges within this range - When Master builders use the /bridge.setramp 'angle', this is the range at which is will effect bridges.
Stability : Minimum Stability needed to place drawbrige on floor - If stability check is used, this is the minimum stability needed on the target building block to build a bridge.
Usage - Add Pressure Plate to bridge when building - Setting to true, will always place a pressure plate on a Bridge base block when built. each pressure plate can be removed with /bridge.setplate if wanted.
Usage - Allow Bridge to be built on Floors - Allow players to build a bridge on floors or not.
Usage - Allow Bridge to be built on Foundations - Allow players to build a bridge on foundations or not.
Usage - Allow Master Builders to place bridge on ANY building block - Setting to true, will allow Master Builders to place a bridge on any building block part, not just floor and foundation.
Usage - Block players from building on bridge floor itself - By default this is set to True to BLOCK players from building on/off bridge itself. Setting to False will ALLOW players to build on/off the bridge.
Usage - Use Clan members to use Owners Bridges - If Clans plugin is installed, you can allow clan members to operate your bridges up and down.
Usage - Use Friends to use Owners Bridges - If Friends plugin is installed, you can allow friends to operate your bridges up and down.
Usage - Use Max Bridge Checks - if set to false all players can build as many bridges as they want.
Use Stability Check when building - if set to true, this will check the building block that the bridge is being built on for its current stability, if its too low, it will not allow building of the bridge on it.
DrawBridge – Allows Players to place Bridges
Allows Players to place Bridges
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