Скидка Skill Tree 1.4.13

  "Points required to unlock Tier 2 nodes in the tech trees": 5,
  "Points required to unlock Tier 3 nodes in the tech trees": 10,
  "Skill points per level": 1,
  "Maximum points a player can spend": 100,
  "Maximum level a player can get to": 100,
  "Allow players to respec their skill points": true,
  "Cost per point to respec": 30.0,
  "Currency type to respec [scrap, economics, srp, custom]": "scrap",
  "If currency is set to custom, what are the details of the item": {
    "displayName": "",
    "shortname": "",
    "skin": 0
  "Minimum components for the component perk": 1,
  "Maximum components for the component perk": 1,
  "Minimum electrical components for the electrical component perk": 1,
  "Maximum electrical components for the electrical component perk": 1,
  "Minimum additional scrap to be added to crates and barrels": 1,
  "Maximum additional scrap to be added to crates and barrels": 2,
  "Human NPC's name that can be used to open the skill tree": "",
  "Use mouse 3 to toggle the boat turbo (performance heavy on high pop servers). Set false to use a chat command instead": false,
  "Chat command for turbo": "turbo",
  "Chat commands to open the skill tree": [
  "Chat commands to get the player xp": [
  "Players lose xp when they are killed in pvp": false,
  "Players lose xp when they are killed in pve": true,
  "Maximum amount of xp a player can lose when they die": 10000.0,
  "How long should the xp be displayed for": 1.0,
  "Erase all data on wipe": false,
  "Refund skill points on server wipe": true,
  "Global black list - these items will not gain xp and benefits at all": [
  "Restrict XP gain to the tools listed in the tools list below": false,
  "Format for BetterChat title showing the playeres level. Set to null to disable. {0} is the colour value and {1} is the player level value": "<color=#{0}>[Lv.{1}]</color>",
  "Default colour for BetterChat xp titles": "0cb072",
  "Default xp bar offset - this is for any new player connecting to the server": {
    "min_x": -365.713,
    "min_y": 20.0,
    "max_x": -233.287,
    "max_y": 42.0
  "Power tool modifiers (chainsaw and jackhammer). 1 = full xp/buffs. 0 = off. 0.5 = half xp/buffs.": {
    "mining_perk_modifier": 0.0,
    "woodcutting_perk_modifier": 0.0,
    "skinning_perk_modifier": 0.0
  "Prevent XP loss when dying at an event hosted by EventManager": true,
  "Colour for BetterChat xp titles for players who are max level": "32ff00",
  "Instant repair effect": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/build/repair_full_metal.prefab",
  "Level up effect": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab",
  "Node unlock effect": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/loot_bag_upgrade.prefab",
  "Node level effect": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/eggpickup.prefab",
  "PVP Buff Critical damage modifier. Picks a random value between 0 and the declared value, and += the damage% onto the hit": 0.3,
  "Require grown plants to be ripe to provide xp": true,
  "Give the player with the highest xp bonus skill points next wipe": false,
  "How many skill points should they receive for winning?": 5,
  "Details of a horse to change when a player mounts a horse with the relevant perk unlocked": {
    "Increase_Horse_RunSpeed": true,
    "Increase_Horse_MaxSpeed": true,
    "Increase_Horse_TrotSpeed": false,
    "Increase_Horse_TurnSpeed": false,
    "Increase_Horse_WalkSpeed": false
  "Should the LootPickup buff only work with melee weapons?": false,
  "A black list of items that will not be refunded when using the thrifty tinkerer buff": [
  "Woodcutting tools - Tools that meet whitelist requirements and work with the reduced durability ability": [
  "Mining tools - Tools that meet whitelist requirements and work with the reduced durability ability": [
  "Skinning tools - Tools that meet whitelist requirements and work with the reduced durability ability": [
  "Primitive weapons for the primitive weapons ability": [
  "List of animals for animal resist ability": [
  "Black listed parts for component and electrical luck abilities": [
  "Mining luck loot table": {
    "keycard_blue": 1,
    "keycard_green": 1,
    "keycard_red": 1,
    "lowgradefuel": 10
  "Woodcutting luck loot table": {
    "apple": 3,
    "black.raspberries": 5,
    "blue.berry": 3,
    "seed.hemp": 5,
    "keycard_blue": 1,
    "keycard_green": 1
  "Whitelist of loot crates to trigger the spawn chance for components, electronics and scrap. Set to null to not use the whitelist.": [
  "Experience sources - Set xp value to 0 to disable for that type": {
    "NodeHit": 12.0,
    "NodeHitFinal": 50.0,
    "TreeHit": 8.0,
    "TreeHitFinal": 40.0,
    "SkinHit": 10.0,
    "SkinHitFinal": 50.0,
    "CollectWildPlant": 30.0,
    "CollectGrownPlant": 5.0,
    "BuildingBlockDeployed": 0.0,
    "FishCaught": 100.0,
    "Crafting": 0.25,
    "ScientistNormal": 150.0,
    "TunnelDweller": 125.0,
    "ScientistHeavy": 300.0,
    "SmallAnimal": 20.0,
    "MediumAnimal": 50.0,
    "LargeAnimal": 100.0,
    "RoadSign": 10.0,
    "Barrel": 20.0,
    "Scarecrow": 100.0,
    "Mission": 1000.0,
    "BradleyAPC": 1000.0,
    "LootHackedCrate": 200.0,
    "LootHeliCrate": 250.0,
    "LootBradleyCrate": 50.0,
    "CookingMealXP": 10.0,
    "RaidableBaseCompletion": 100.0,
    "Win_HungerGames": 2000.0,
    "Win_ScubaArena": 2000.0,
    "Win_Skirmish": 2000.0
  "Skill tree": {
    "Mining": {
      "nodes": {
        "Amature Miner": {
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            "Key": 1,
            "Value": 1
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        "Stroke of luck": {
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          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 1,
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          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 55,
            "Value": 1
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        "Adept Miner": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.075,
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            "Key": 1,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/jkhionm6r7gfj95/Paladinskill_12_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
        "Instant Mining": {
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          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 2,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/k0v94pupgo0qmwy/Paladinskill_20_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
        "Mining Luck": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.01,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 4,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/6qp1kfvtw4ixsk7/Assassinskill_16_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
        "Expert Miner": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 1,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/muim3nqo63nkwqk/Paladinskill_02_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
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            "Key": 3,
            "Value": 1
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            "Key": 5,
            "Value": 1
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    "Woodcutting": {
      "nodes": {
        "Amature Woodcutter": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 1,
          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 6,
            "Value": 1
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          "value_per_buff": 0.075,
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            "Value": 1
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          "tier": 2,
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            "Value": 1
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          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.01,
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            "Key": 8,
            "Value": 1
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            "Value": 1
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    "Skinning": {
      "nodes": {
        "Amature Skinner": {
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          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
          "buff_info": {
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            "Value": 1
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            "Value": 1
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          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 13,
            "Value": 1
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          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 11,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/t0ahbcc13b24yr0/Assassinskill_21_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
        "Survival Chef": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 14,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/1hzsha39lqkulrp/Archerskill_10_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
        "Steel Knife": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 13,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/lio5lk1sqn32k1a/Warriorskill_13_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
    "Harvesting": {
      "nodes": {
        "Amature Harvester": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 1,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 15,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://imgur.com/jsO5eGQ.png[/URL]"
        "Hobbiest Harvester": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.15,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 15,
            "Value": 1
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        "Amature Farmer": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.075,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 16,
            "Value": 1
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          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.2,
          "buff_info": {
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            "Value": 1
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          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
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    "Medical": {
      "nodes": {
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          "max_level": 1,
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          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 18,
            "Value": 0
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          "tier": 1,
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          "max_level": 5,
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          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
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            "Value": 1
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          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 22,
            "Value": 1
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        "Battle Medic": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 2,
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          "buff_info": {
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        "Rugged Up": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 1,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 1.0,
          "buff_info": {
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            "Value": 0
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          "enabled": true,
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            "Value": 1
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          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
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    "Combat": {
      "nodes": {
        "Animal Tamer": {
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          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 1,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
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            "Value": 1
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          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
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            "Value": 0
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          "tier": 1,
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          "enabled": true,
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          "value_per_buff": 0.01,
          "buff_info": {
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          "enabled": true,
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          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.01,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 51,
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    "Build_Craft": {
      "nodes": {
        "Amature Tinkerer": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 1,
          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 30,
            "Value": 1
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        "Thrifty Renovator": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 1,
          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 29,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/p88fvhnvu3e7x6q/Assassinskill_35_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
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          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
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          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 30,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/y83duc088snp1d9/Engineerskill_04_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
        "Thrifty Tinkerer": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 32,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/dfdymr0lpf201b2/Engineerskill_17_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
        "Researcher": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 2,
          "value_per_buff": 0.05,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 31,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/nqhoai1x52ujht3/Engineerskill_15_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
        "Expert Tinkerer": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 30,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/xvsbehljd76maos/Engineerskill_09_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
        "Blast Furnace": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 3,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 44,
            "Value": 1
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    "Scavenging": {
      "nodes": {
        "Looter": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 5,
          "tier": 1,
          "value_per_buff": 0.1,
          "buff_info": {
            "Key": 33,
            "Value": 1
          "icon_url": "[URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/8not58eqky3s7nv/Engineerskill_23_nobg.png?dl=1[/URL]"
        "Barrel Smasher": {
          "enabled": true,
          "max_level": 1,
          "tier": 1,
          "value_per_buff": 1.0,
          "buff_info": {
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            "Value": 0
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