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Works with​


About Static Trader​

A plugin that allows players to trade items at long distances across the map. Server owners can also set fees that scale based on the distance between the two players that are trading.

  • Customizable commands
  • Intuitive UI (can modify the position offset)
  • Trading fees based on distance
  • Oxide group cooldowns
  • ServerRewards, Economics or custom bank support
  • Notification effects & success SFX
  • UI player list which you can quickly send trade invites of your team or server players, with pagination and input filter
  • WIP Language support

  • StaticTrader.use: To allow anyone to send trading requests to anyone. Players without this permission that have been sent a request to, can still accept the trade.

Following commands are chat and console commands.
  • trade <player>
  • atrade [<player>]: Accept pending trade. <player> input is optional, can exclude if there aren't more than one pending trades.
  • dtrade [<player>]: Decline pending trade. <player> input is optional, can exclude if there aren't more than one pending trades.
  • ltrade: Opens the player list UI on which you can browse or search through and click on them to request a trade with them.

  • Can('t) trade while building blocked.
  • Can('t) trade while combat blocked.
  • Can('t) trade while raid blocked.
  • trade4.png
    2.6 MB · Просмотры: 143
  • trade3.png
    6.5 MB · Просмотры: 143
  • trade2.png
    2.9 MB · Просмотры: 138
  • trade.png
    5 MB · Просмотры: 146
Static Trader – A whole new Trade System based on Economics
A whole new Trade System based on Economics
1,866 Просмотры
8 Скачивания
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53.4 KB / .cs Размер

Другие ресурсы WOLF SPIRIT

Последние обновления

  1. Обновления

    Исправление версии от 7 марта.
  2. Обновления

    Добавлены параметры для отключения/включения звуковых эффектов открытия, приглашения и успеха в...
  3. What's New in Version 1.2.6

    Added custom prefix (in config) - save server after plugin update to update config

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