Скидка Airfield Drops 1.5.3

“Global Event Settings”: {
“Enable Airfield Air Drops Event”: true,
“Enable random autospawn Airfield Drop Events on random timer”: true,
“Minimum required players to start events”: 1,
“Minimum time between autospawn Airfield Air Drop Event (seconds)”: 10800,
“Maximum time between autospawn Airfield Air Drop Event (seconds)”: 18000,
“Check Plane Crash plugin?”: true
“Cargo Plane Settings”: {
“Plane speed for event”: 5.5,
“Radius for which the cargo plane should circle the airfield)”: 800,
“Plane hieght for circling the airfield and island”: 300,
“Show smoke trail behind plane”: true
“Supply Drop Settings”: {
“Number of supply drops to spawn on runway (Max is 5)”: 5,
“Despawn time for supply drops on runway (minutes)”: 30,
“Enable Supply Drop effects”: true,
“Supply Drop height drop from plane (default is set to 6)”: 6,
“Remove Parachutes from Supply Drops at event (default set to true)”: true,
“Supply Drop Effects Settings”: {
“Enable Smoke on Supply Drops”: true,
“Enable Spinning Light on Supply Drops”: true,
“Enable Spinning Light on Supply Drops at night only”: false,
“Enable Siren Alarm on Supply Drops”: true,
“Enable Siren Alarm on Supply Drops at night only”: false
“Version”: {
“Major”: 1,
“Minor”: 3,
“Patch”: 2