Скидка Lock Me Up - Handcuffs 1.2.11

"Item Permission": "lockmeup.user",
"Item Name": "Hand Cuffs",
"Item Skin ID": 2102994025,
"Item Max Stack": 20,
"Item Masking - Short Name": "car.key",
"Lock Seconds Interval": 5.0,
"Cancel on Spotted": false,
"Can Lock NPCs": true,
"Stick to Ground": true,
"Lock Inventory": {
"Main": false,
"Wear": false,
"Belt": true,
"Backpack": false
"Lock Messages": {
"Victim": "<color=#C24641>You've been Locked</color>: {name}",
"Attacker": "<color=#C24641>You've Locked</color>: {name}"
"Access to Locked Players": {
"Anyone": false,
"Permission": true,
"Admin": true
"Lock Protection": {
"Permission": true,
"Admin": true
"Blocked Commands while Locked": [
"Can Permission use self Lock/Unlock": true,
"Can Drag With Vehicle": {
"Enabled": false,
"Distance": 6.0
"Unlimited Item Usage": {
"Permission": false,
"Admin": true
"Blocked Console while Locked": [
"Can Ride in Vehicle": true,
"Unlock on Warden Death": true,
"Unlock on Victim Death": true,
"Unlock on Victim Disconnect": false,
"Cuffs Button - (Use = 256) (Middle Mouse = 134217728) (Sprint = 128) (Duck = 64) (Reload = 8192)": 256,
"Change Victim Clothes": {
"Enabled": false,
"Clothes List (max 7) - shortName: skinID": {
"hat.beenie": "2281372995",
"burlap.shirt": "2281363953",
"burlap.trousers": "2281243846"