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Платное Component Box 2.0.3

  "Leave component box on corpse when player is killed": false,
  "Automatically place allowed items in the component box when picked up": true,
  "Number of slots in the component box (1 - 36)": 12,
  "Allow players to drop the component box": true,
  "Allow players to store the component box in other containers": true,
  "Only allow players to carry 1 component box at a time": true,
  "Crafting Settings": {
    "Require component box to be crafted": false,
    "Refund crafting cost when destroying the component box": false,
    "Refund cost fraction (0.0 - 1.0)": 1.0,
    "Cost to craft a component box": [
        "Shortname": "metal.refined",
        "Amount": 10
        "Shortname": "metal.fragments",
        "Amount": 400
  "Item Settings": {
    "Allowed item categories": {
      "All": false,
      "Weapon": false,
      "Construction": false,
      "Items": false,
      "Resources": false,
      "Attire": false,
      "Tool": false,
      "Medical": false,
      "Food": false,
      "Ammunition": false,
      "Traps": false,
      "Misc": false,
      "Component": true,
      "Electrical": false,
      "Fun": false
    "Blocked item shortnames": [
    "Allowed item shortnames": [
  "Version": {
    "Major": 2,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0