"info.killsdeathrate": "К/Д",
"info.kills": "УБИЙСТВ",
"info.deaths": "СМЕРТЕЙ",
"info.farm": "ФАРМ",
"info.topplace": "Место в топе",
"info.points": "Очков",
"info.status.text": "Статус",
"info.status.offline": "оффлайн",
"info.status.online": "онлайн",
"info.balance": "Ваш баланс",
"button.close": "ЗАКРЫТЬ",
"button.back": "НАЗАД",
"button.withdraw": "ВЫВЕСТИ",
"main.place.text": "МЕСТО",
"main.playername.text": "ИМЯ ИГРОКА",
"main.reward.text": "НАГРАДА",
"main.farm.text": "ФАРМ",
"main.points.text": "ОЧКИ",
"main.profile.text": "ПРОФИЛЬ",
"main.myprofile.text": "МОЙ ПРОФИЛЬ",
"main.pagenext.text": ">",
"main.pageprevious.text": "<",
"points.give.for": "Очки даются:\nУбийство +{0}, добыча руды +{1}, разрушение бочки +{2}, сбитие вертолета +{3}, уничтожение танка +{4}\nОчки отнимаются:\nСмерть и самоубийство -{5}\nНаграды выдаются после вайпа на сервере!",
"help.profile.desc": "Здесь вы можете посмотреть статистику игрока.",
"player.nickname": "{0}",
"withdraw.success": "Вы успешно вывели {0} рублей, на игровой магазин!",
"withdraw.error.notenough": "У вас не хватает денег!",
"withdraw.thanksmessage": "Спасибо что играете на нашем проекте!"
"info.killsdeathrate": "K/D",
"info.kills": "KILLS",
"info.deaths": "DEATHS",
"info.farm": "FARM",
"info.topplace": "Place in top",
"info.points": "Points",
"info.status.text": "Status",
"info.status.offline": "offline",
"info.status.online": "online",
"info.balance": "Your balance",
"button.close": "CLOSE",
"button.back": "BACK",
"button.withdraw": "WITHDRAW",
"main.place.text": "PLACE",
"main.playername.text": "PLAYER NAME",
"main.reward.text": "REWARD",
"main.farm.text": "FARM",
"main.points.text": "POINTS",
"main.myprofile.text": "MY PROFILE",
"main.pagenext.text": ">",
"main.pageprevious.text": "<",
"points.give.for": "Points are given for:\nKill +{0}, ore mining +{1}, destruction barrel +{2}, shooting down a helicopter +{3}, tank destruction +{4}\nPoints are taken away:\nDeath and suicide -{5}\nAwards are given after the wipe on the server!",
"help.profile.desc": "Here you can view player statistics.",
"player.nickname": "{0}",
"main.profile.text": "PROFILE",
"withdraw.success": "You have successfully withdrawn {0} rubles to the game store!",
"withdraw.error.notenough": "You don't have enough money!",
"withdraw.thanksmessage": "Thank you for playing on our project!"