Скидка Surprise Trap 2.1.1


surprisetrap.admin - To use the 3 command
surprisetrap.trapdetect - Too be able to use a geiger counter to find traps on the map

/show - Show all possible found spawn location (use it with care, it can cause lag until the floating numbers present on the map, see screenshots)
/trap - Show all active trap on the map (use it with care, it can cause lag until the floating numbers present on the map, see screenshots)
/setup <mine|bear> - set up a trap where the character look, only for test purpose. (the new position will behave as a new spawn location, but only until the next restart)
show - information about the additional free spawn locations
trap - information about the available amount of traps
setup - manually start trap setup in case of not enough trap on the map (compared to the configured amount)