"AlertMessage": "Raids will be authorized in <color=#87ceeb>{0} hour(s)</color> and <color=#87ceeb>{1} minute(s)</color>.",
"TimeMessage": "Raids are allowed up to <color=#87ceeb>{0}</color>.",
"FinishMessage": "Raids completed, they will be allowed at <color=#87ceeb>{0}</color>.",
"FinishTodayMessage": "Raids finished for today",
"RaidTime": "• Raid allowed",
"NoRaidTime": "• Raids not allowed",
"NoRaidCooldown": "• Raids not allowed",
"Rest": "Remaining →",
"Finish": "Finish",
"Until": "Until {0}",
"RaidAllDay": "All the day",
"RaidNoDay": "No raids today",
"UIOn": "Display <color=#90ee90>activated</color>",
"UIOff": "Display <color=#f08080>disabled</color>",
"UIChanged": "Display <color=#90ee90>[{0}]</color>",
"SyntaxError": "Syntax error : <br><br><color=#87ceeb>/{0} hide</color> : Hide / View display<br><color=#87ceeb>/{0} 1-{1}</color> : Choose display<br>",
"SyntaxErrorChoose": "The value must be between 1 and {0}",
"NotPermsHide": "You don't have permission to hide display",
"NotPermsChoose": "You do not have permission to change display"