"Prefix": "[<color=#62cd32>AutoCodeLock</color>] : ",
"Notification.CodelockSecured": "Codelock secured and locked\nCode: <color=#62cd32>{0}</color>",
"Notification.CodelockSecured.Guest": "Codelock secured and locked\nCode: <color=#62cd32>{0}</color>\nGuest code: <color=#62cd32>{1}</color>",
"Notification.NotLocked": "Codelock not auto-locked. You are not the object owner",
"Notification.NotLocked.RaidBlock": "Codelock not auto-locked. You are currently raid blocked",
"Notification.NotLocked.CombatBlock": "Codelock not auto-locked. You are currently combat blocked",
"Notification.NotLocked.Plugin": "Codelock not auto-locked for reason: {0}",
"Notification.NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
"Notification.ApplyingCodeChanges": "Applying pin code to all of your codelocks",
"Notification.ApplyingGuestCodeChanges": "Applying guest code to all of your codelocks",
"Notification.ApplyingDoorCloserChanges": "Applying close delay to all of your door closers",
"Notification.ApplyingHatchCloserChanges": "Applying close delay to all of your ladder hatches",
"Label.Title": "AutoCodeLock",
"Label.AutoLock": "Auto-lock",
"Label.DeployDoor": "Deploy on doors",
"Label.DeployBox": "Deploy on boxes",
"Label.DeployLocker": "Deploy on lockers",
"Label.DeployCupboard": "Deploy on cupboards",
"Label.DeployDoorCloser": "Deploy door closer",
"Label.EnableGuestCode": "Set guest code",
"Label.PinCode": "Auto-set pin code",
"Label.GuestCode": "Auto-set guest code",
"Label.DoorDelay": "Close delay (doors)",
"Label.HatchDelay": "Close delay (hatches)"