/video shop (opens the video UI, here you can buy/give TV signs and existing video tapes)
/video dl <url> <filename> (download a gif from URL)
/video tape <filename> (gives you a video tape with the required video)
NEW: /video tape <filename1> <filename2> <filename3> (gives you a tape with multiple videos)
NEW: /video debug (toggle showing of extra information in console,
it will still show you the most important events)
/tv give (gives you a TV sign)
/tv create (makes any type of signage you are looking at, a TV sign)
/tv remove
/tv play [speed] (start playing the loaded video, speed is the duration per frame)
/tv stop (stops playing)
/tv keepframes (when on, old frames don't get removed from the TV when loading a new tape.
This way you can load multiple videos that play after each other)
NEW: Console Commands
/zvideo tv <player name> (give player a tv sign)
/zvideo tape <player name> <video title> (give player a tape with chosen video on it)
/zvideo dl <gif url> <video title> (download and store a gif from console)
zvideoplayer.admin -> for main admin things -> no limitations for file size and amount of frames -> needed to place/use TV's and tapes -> needed to download and save new GIF files -> for opening the UI where you can buy/give TV's and video tapes -> needed to use /tv play and stop -> needed to remove or create TV's from existing signs