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Платное Life Support 2.2.6

## Configuration

  • Add as many permissions as you want. For cases when the player has more than one, permission with lower cost will be chosen
  • Enable / disable notifications / logging
  • Set SteamIDIcon steamid to set desired account icon in chat messages
  • Set commands list (default are "ls", "lifesupport")
  • Enable / disable modes/plugins support
  "Prevent DropActiveItem": false,
  "Prevent 'Wound' state": false,
  "Prevent Suicide": false,
  "Exclude offline players": false,
  "Exclude players in duels": false,
  "Exclude players in Raidable Bases Zones": false,
  "Exclude players in Dangerous Treasures Zones": false,
  "Use Clans": false,
  "Use Friends": false,
  "Use Teams": false,
  "Use cupboard": false,
  "Cupboard include mode (true = include mode / false = exclude mode)": false,
  "Use ZoneManager": false,
  "ZoneManager include mode (true = include mode / false = exclude mode)": false,
  "ZoneIDs": [
  "Enable notifications in chat": false,
  "Chat steamID icon": 0,
  "Enable logging": false,
  "Commands list": [
  "Server Rewards cost": 0.0,
  "Economics cost": 0.0,
  "Permission - % cost": {
    "vip": 0.5,
    "elite": 0.25
## Localization

  • Plugins phrases are available on 2 languages out of the box: English and Russian
  "Error.NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
  "Format.Coins": "Coins",
  "Format.Disabled": "<color=#B22222>Disabled</color>",
  "Format.Enabled": "<color=#228B22>Enabled</color>",
  "Format.Free": "free",
  "Format.Prefix": "<color=#00FF00>[LifeSupport]</color>: ",
  "Format.RP": "RP",
  "Info.LifeSaved": "Your life saved. Cost = <color=#FFA500>{0} {1}</color>",
  "Info.LifeSupport": "LifeSupport is now {0}"