Бесплатное Custom Status Framework 1.1.3

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 // API Documentation for Custom Status Framework v1.0.5

    // Returns a list of all statuses for a player, both vanilla and custom ones.
        List<string> GetStatusList
            BasePlayer basePlayer
        // Returns true if a player has a status matching the given id.
        bool HasStatus
            BasePlayer basePlayer, 
            string id
        // Method for showing a simple temporary status to a player.
        // This status will appear and then disappear after some time.
        void ShowStatus
            BasePlayer basePlayer, 
            string id, 
            string color = null, 
            string text = null, 
            string textColor = null, 
            string subText = null, 
            string subTextColor = null, 
            string imageLibraryIconId = null, 
            string iconColor = null, 
            float seconds = 4f
        // Creates a status for the given player.
        private void SetStatus
            BasePlayer basePlayer, 
            string id, 
            string color, 
            string text, 
            string textColor, 
            string subText, 
            string subTextColor, 
            string imageLibraryIconId, 
            string iconColor
        // Removes the specified status from the given player.
        private void ClearStatus
            BasePlayer basePlayer, 
            string id

        // Performs a ClearStatus and then a SetStatus.
        // Useful if you want to simply refresh a status value.
        private void UpdateStatus
            BasePlayer basePlayer, 
            string id, string color, 
            string text, 
            string textColor, 
            string subText, 
            string subTextColor, 
            string imageLibraryIconId,
            string iconColor

        // Creates a global status with a static value.
        // The value of this status will not change, but will be dynamically applied to all
        // players who meet the specified condition function.
        private void CreateStatus
            string id, 
            string color, 
            string text, 
            string textColor, 
            string subText, 
            string subTextColor, 
            string imageLibraryIconId, 
            string iconColor, 
            Func<BasePlayer, bool> condition
        // Creates a global status with a dynamic value.
        // The value of this status will change, and is dynamically set for each player
        // based on the return of the dynamicValue function.
        // This status will be dynamically applied to all players who meet the specified
        // condition function.
        private void CreateDynamicStatus
            string id, 
            string color, 
            string text, 
            string textColor, 
            string subTextColor, 
            string imageLibraryIconId, 
            string iconColor, 
            Func<BasePlayer, bool> condition, 
            Func<BasePlayer, string> dynamicValue
        // Deletes a global status by id.
        private void DeleteStatus
            string id