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Бесплатное Item Puller 1.2.5

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Сообщения по умолчанию находятся в ItemPullerфайле в lang/enкаталоге. Чтобы добавить поддержку другого языка, создайте новую языковую папку (например, deдля немецкого), если она еще не создана, скопируйте языковой файл по умолчанию в новую папку, а затем настройте сообщения.

  "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use this.",
  "NoPermissionBuild": "You don't have permission to use build pull.",
  "InvalidArg": "Invalid argument",
  "MissingItem": "Missing <color=#ff0000>{0}</color>!",
  "Settings": "<color=#00AAFF>Item Puller Settings:</color>\nItem Puller: {0}\nAutocraft: {1}\nFrom Toolcupboard: {2}\nForce Pulling: {3}",
  "ForcePulled": "Items were force pulled <color=#7FFF00>sucessfully</color>!",
  "ItemsPulled": "Items were moved <color=#7FFF00>successfully</color>!",
  "NotInBuildingZone": "You need to be in building priviledge zone to use item puller!",
  "PlayerFull": "Cannot pull items, inventory full!",
  "Help": "<color=#00AAFF>Item Puller Help:</color>\n<color=#7FFF00>/ip</color> - toggle item puller on/off\n<color=#7FFF00>/ip <autocraft></color> - toggle autocraft on/off\n<color=#7FFF00>/ip <fromtc></color> - toggle tool cupboard pulling on/off\n<color=#7FFF00>/ip <fp></color> - toggle force pulling on/off\n<color=#7FFF00>/ip <settings></color> - show current settings",
  "toggleon": "<color=#7FFF00>Activated</color> Item Puller",
  "toggleoff": "<color=#ff0000>Disabled</color> Item Puller",
  "fromTCon": "<color=#7FFF00>Activated</color> Item Pulling from Tool Cupboard",
  "fromTCoff": "<color=#ff0000>Disabled</color> Item Pulling from Tool Cupboard",
  "autocrafton": "<color=#7FFF00>Activated</color> Item Puller auto crafting",
  "autocraftoff": "<color=#ff0000>Disabled</color> Item Puller auto crafting",
  "fpon": "<color=#7FFF00>Activated</color> Item force pulling",
  "fpoff": "<color=#ff0000>Disabled</color> Item force pulling",
  "uiturnon": "Turn on",
  "uiturnoff": "Turn off",
  "uititle": "Item Puller",
  "uiitempulleroption": "Item Puller",
  "uiautocraftoption": "Autocraft",
  "uifromtcoption": "Pull from TC"