Платное Super Medical 1.0.2

"SteamID_pick": {
"Item Name": "Super Syringe",
"Permission (Empty = not need)": "",
"Basic Item (shortname)": "syringe.medical",
"Disable the item original healing": false,
"Item will not be consumed": false,
"Number of use (0 = Disable)": 1,
"Boost Setting": {
"Enable Boost": true,
"Set Max Health": 100,
"Add Health": 30,
"Add Health over time": 0,
"Add Hydration": 150,
"Add Calories": 200,
"Add Radiation": 0,
"Add Bleeding": 0,
"Add Comfort": 0,
"Reset Radiation": false,
"Reset Bleeding": false
"Command Setting": {
"Enable Command": false,
"Server run command (false = PlayerClient)": true,
"Run all command (false = Random one)": false,
"Command List": [
"o.grant user %STEAMID% vip.vip",
"say hi,%PLAYERNAME%"
"Tips Message (Empty = no message)": "",
"Effect (Empty = no effect)": ""