"CloseDurabilityPercent": 0.75,
"ExplosionDurabilityPercent": 0.0,
"LongDurabilityPercent": 1.0,
"MeleeDurabilityPercent": 0.5,
"itemslostdurabilityonnpchit.profile1 permission percentage scale range: 0-X, 0.1f mean 10% of the original durability": 1.0,
"itemslostdurabilityonnpchit.profile2 permission percentage scale range: 0-X, 0.1f mean 10% of the original durability": 1.0,
"itemslostdurabilityonnpchit.profile3 permission percentage scale range: 0-X, 0.1f mean 10% of the original durability": 1.0,
"Permission check agains multiple permission group": false,
"Warning against multiple permission group (can flood the server console)": false,
"CleanPermission on Wipe": true,
"Pop off the armor from the player, if broken": false,
"The popped of armor will be placed into the player inventory (if false, it will be dropped on the floor) [Only relevant, if \"Pop off the armor from the player, if broken\" configuration set to true]": false,