"Only Command Start Event": false,
"Show ResourceRush UI": true,
"ResourceRush UI Style ( 1 = With UI Text, 2 = No UI Text, 3 = No UI Text)": 1,
"ResourceRush UI Text": "Gather resources with increased rates!",
"ResourceRush UI Location (top right, top center, top center2, top left | left center, right center | bottom left)": "top center",
"Event Duration": 360.0,
"Resource Multipliers": {
"default": 1.3,
"wood": 1.3,
"stones": 1.3,
"metal.ore": 1.3,
"hq.metal.ore": 1.3,
"sulfur.ore": 1.5
"Event Start Message": "<color=yellow>Resource</color><color=red>Rush</color> <color=white>Has Started! Gather resources with increased rates!</color>",
"Event End Message": "<color=yellow>Resource</color><color=red>Rush</color> <color=white>Has Ended!</color>",
"Start Event Every (seconds) ": 1800.0,
"Enable Game Tips": true,
"Enable Chat Messages": true,
"GameTip Duration": 10.0,
"Event Start Sound Effect": true