Скидка Smart Warnings 2.5.8-beta4

  "Warning Presets": {
    "spam": {
      "Reason": "§1 - Spamming",
      "Points": 1,
      "ExpirationDays": 3.0
    "toxic": {
      "Reason": "§2 - Toxic behaviour",
      "Points": 2,
      "ExpirationDays": 7.0
    "sign": {
      "Reason": "§3 - Inappropriate signage",
      "Points": 2,
      "ExpirationDays": 7.0
    "grief": {
      "Reason": "§4 - Griefing",
      "Points": 4,
      "ExpirationDays": 7.0
    "group": {
      "Reason": "§5 - Group Limit violation",
      "Points": 5,
      "ExpirationDays": 7.0
  "System Settings": {
    "Max Warnings": 5,
    "Default Warning Expiration time (Days)": 7,
    "Announce Warnings in Global Chat": true,
    "Show players who issued the warning": true,
    "Server Name": "MyRustServer",
    "Clear all Warnings on Server Wipe": true,
    "Use MySQL database": false,
    "Warning Popup - GUI Enable - Set to false to use only chat (SAFE FOR VANILLA SERVER)": false,
    "Warning Popup - GUI Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/oImKq4X.png",
    "Warning Popup - GUI Opacity": 0.85,
    "Optional: Send anonymous analytics data about plugin usage": true,
    "Config Version": {
      "Major": 2,
      "Minor": 5,
      "Patch": 8
  "MySQL Database Settings": {
    "MySQL Host": "",
    "Port": 3306,
    "Database": "",
    "Username": "",
    "Password": ""
  "Battlemetrics Settings": {
    "API Token": "",
    "Organization ID": "",
    "Server ID": "",
    "Banlist ID": ""
  "Autoban Settings": {
    "How many points until automatic ban (Set 0 for Disable)": 0,
    "How many warnings until automatic ban (Set 0 for Disable, Recommended: Same as Max Warnings)": 0,
    "How long to ban in minutes (Set 0 for Permanent)": 2880,
    "Clear the players Warnings on AutoBan (Default: True)": true
  "Discord Settings": {
    "Webhook URL - Post Warnings to Discord (Leave blank to Disable)": "",
    "Webhook URL - Post Autobans to Discord (Leave blank to Disable)": ""
  "AutoMod Settings": {
    "Mute on 2 warning points": {
      "PointTrigger": 2,
      "ExecuteCommand": "mute {0} {1}",
      "ClearPointsOnTrigger": false
    "Kick on 4 warning points": {
      "PointTrigger": 4,
      "ExecuteCommand": "kick {0} {1}",
      "ClearPointsOnTrigger": true