Платное Train Homes 1.0.9

  • Хостинг игровых серверов

    Максимальная производительность для ваших игровых серверов!

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  1. {
  2. "Allow items to be placed on the roof of the wagon": true,
  3. "The maximum distance at which a wagon can be moved": 1500,
  4. "HP of the wagon": 5000,
  5. "HP of the wagon stand": 1000,
  6. "A constant amount of free wagons on the tracks": 5,
  7. "Wagon spawn settings in crates": [
  8. {
  9. "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab",
  10. "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0
  11. },
  12. {
  13. "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab",
  14. "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 50.0
  15. }
  16. ],
  17. "List of entities": [
  18. {
  19. "ShortName": "box.wooden.large",
  20. "Allow this entity to be placed": true,
  21. "The maximum amount that can be placed in one wagon (If previous parameter true)": 100
  22. }
  23. ],
  24. "Notification Settings": {
  25. "Prefix": "[TrainHomes]",
  26. "Chat Message setting": {
  27. "Use chat notifications? [true/false]": true
  28. },
  29. "Facepunch Game Tips setting": {
  30. "Use Facepunch Game Tips (notification bar above hotbar)? [true/false]": false,
  31. "Style (0 - Blue Normal, 1 - Red Normal, 2 - Blue Long, 3 - Blue Short, 4 - Server Event)": 2
  32. },
  33. "GUI Announcements setting (only for GUIAnnouncements plugin)": {
  34. "Do you use GUI Announcements integration? [true/false]": false,
  35. "Banner color": "Grey",
  36. "Text color": "White",
  37. "Adjust Vertical Position": 0.03
  38. },
  39. "Notify setting (only for Notify plugin)": {
  40. "Do you use Notify integration? [true/false]": false,
  41. "Type": "0"
  42. },
  43. "Discord setting (only for DiscordMessages plugin)": {
  44. "Do you use DiscordMessages? [true/false]": false,
  45. "Webhook URL": "https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks",
  46. "Embed Color (DECIMAL)": 13516583,
  47. "Keys of required messages": [
  48. "PreStart",
  49. "EventStart",
  50. "Finish"
  51. ]
  52. }
  53. },
  54. "Configuration Version": {
  55. "Major": 1,
  56. "Minor": 0,
  57. "Patch": 0
  58. }
  59. }