Платное Skull Trophy 0.1.3

  "Skull Trophy is Enabled": true,
  "Skull Trophy command": "strophy",
  "Use GameTip for messages?": true,
  "Allow add the skull into the inventory on Suicide?": false,
  "Drop the skull on the ground if the inventory is full?": true,
  "Replace Skull on gathering": true,
  "Head Bag. Is it allowed to gather a head bag without a special knife?": true,
  "Head Bag. Workshop icons ID": {
    "BasePlayer": 3074297551,
    "Horse": 3074392217,
    "Bear": 3074392575,
    "Wolf": 3074393525,
    "Boar": 3074393967,
    "Stag": 3074394545,
    "Chicken": 3075281761,
    "ScientistNPC": 3075282198,
    "UnderwaterDweller": 3075283082,
    "TunnelDweller": 3075283387,
    "BanditGuard": 3075283702,
    "ScientistHeavy": 3075283936,
    "ScientistPeacekeeper": 3075284145,
    "ScientistNVG": 3075284355,
    "ScarecrowNPC": 3075284618,
    "GingerbreadNPC": 3075284816
  "Head Bag. Head names for types": {
    "Horse": "Horse",
    "Bear": "Bear",
    "Wolf": "Wolf",
    "Boar": "Boar",
    "Stag": "Stag",
    "Chicken": "Chicken",
    "ScientistNPC": "Scientist",
    "UnderwaterDweller": "Underwater Dweller",
    "TunnelDweller": "Tunnel Dweller",
    "BanditGuard": "Bandit Guard",
    "ScientistHeavy": "Scientist Heavy",
    "ScientistPeacekeeper": "Peacekeeper",
    "ScientistNVG": "Scientist NVG",
    "ScarecrowNPC": "Scarecrow",
    "GingerbreadNPC": "Gingerbread"
  "Heart. Drop chance(0-100)": 50,
  "Heart. Source item short name": "chicken.cooked",
  "Heart. Workshop icon ID": 3075285011,
  "Heart. Prefab name of the eating effect": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/snowball/effects/strike_screenshake.prefab",
  "Heart. Temperature change upon eating": 30.0,
  "Replace the skull gathering with": "skull.trophy",
  "List of random Trophies names": [
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 3