"General Settings": {
"Main command": "bd",
"Use permission": "bombdrone.use",
"Admin permission": "bombdrone.admin"
"Chat Settings": {
"Chat icon (Steam 64 ID)": 0,
"Chat prefix": "BOMB DRONE: ",
"Chat prefix colour": "#fcc253",
"Send a message when a player spawns a bomb drone": true
"Drone Settings": {
"Play a repeated sound on drone spawn": false,
"Sound to play": "",
"Sound repeat timer": 1
"Spawn Settings": {
"Spawn bomb drone in containers": false,
"Containers": {
"crate_normal": {
"Probability to spawn": 50,
"Min amount": 1,
"Max amount": 2
"crate_normal_2": {
"Probability to spawn": 20,
"Min amount": 1,
"Max amount": 1