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Платное Detective Stewie 1.0.0

"Spawn Points": {
"assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab": "-26.38629 0.2249966 -20.25003 -6.138487 245.2638 7.046678",
"assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/bandit_town.prefab": "42.65682 7.059561 -31.20314 8.198808 329.3285 7.740015"
"Payment Settings": {
"Provider (Economics | ServerRewards | IQEconomics | Item)": "Item",
"Provider Currency Name": "scrap",
"[Item Provider] Short Name": "scrap",
"[Item Provider] Skin ID": 0,
"Price of search service": 200
"Mission Properties": {
"Information Accuracy Type (Mark | Grid)": "Mark",
"Lead Time Range Min (in seconds)": 300.0,
"Lead Time Range Max (in seconds)": 600.0,
"Cooldown in seconds": 600.0,
"Chance of mission failure (0-100%)": 30.0,
"Сhance that the target will sense the presence (0-100%)": 10.0