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Платное Treasure Chest 2.1.2

Config Example:
"Enabled - true/false , if false chest will not spawn in PrefabPaths",
"CustomStackSize - now you can change stack size of each chest",
"You can change skin and display name of each chest",
"MinChestAmount/MaxCHestAmount - how much items player will get from chest ",
"CooldownSeconds - how much seconds will player need to wait to open another chest",
"You can add more items to loottable",
"Economy: here you put item or plugin",
"PluginName: economics or serverrewards",
"If you use plugin ,shortname and skinId will be showed in Ui as item for economy,you will not get that item you will get balance of plugin",
"IsBlueprint - if true you will get bp of that item",
"Min/MaxAmount - quantity of that item (you can put min/max - to same number (1),so its min and max 1 quantity of that item)",
"Probability - from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%) chance to get that item",
"command : /givechest display name quantity; example /givechest green chest 5",
"Spawns - PrefabPath (chose where will chest spawn),SpawnChance (0-100 ,chance to spawn chest in that prefab)",
"Dont put same prefabpath for more type of chests,for each chest use different prefabpath",
"Opening effect : if empty its disabled,you can change opening effect to something else"
"Chests": [
Enabled = true,
"CustomStackSize": 100,
ItemDisplayName = "Green Chest",
ItemShortname = "xmas.present.large",
LootBoxSkinID = 3038475567,
MinChestAmount = 1,
MaxChestAmount = 2,
LootTable = "greenchest",
"CooldownSeconds": 60,
LootTables = new Dictionary<string, List<LootTableItem>>
["greenchest"] = new List<LootTableItem>
new LootTableItem
"Economy": "Plugin",
"PluginName": "Economics",
"Shortname": "rock",
"MaxAmount": 5,
"MinAmount": 1,
"Probability": 1.0,
"SkinID": 2108583966,
"DisplayName": "EcoMoney",
"IsBlueprint": false
"Economy": "Plugin",
"PluginName": "ServerRewards",
"Shortname": "wood",
"MaxAmount": 300,
"MinAmount": 100,
"Probability": 1.0,
"SkinID": 0,
"DisplayName": "",
"IsBlueprint": false
"Economy": "Item",
"PluginName": null,
"Shortname": "stones",
"MaxAmount": 300,
"MinAmount": 100,
"Probability": 1.0,
"SkinID": 0,
"DisplayName": "",
"IsBlueprint": false
"Spawns": [
"PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", // where can "green chest" spawn
"SpawnChance": 50.0 // chance to spawn in that crate_normal_2