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Платное Paraglider 2.4.0

  • Hold MIDDLE MOUSEto do a standing launch takeoff! Make sure you have plenty of space or else!
    • To launch, you have to have a parachute equipped. You launch in the direction you are aiming
  • Type /launch as an alternative to holding middle mouse!
    • (Can be bound via console: bind key chat.say "/launch")
  • Type /drop to deploy a Jet to paradrop you to your location!
  • Type /toggleglider to revert parachute to vanilla and toggle paraglider on and off.
  • Hold SHIFT to boost and moderately increase your speed!
  • Hold LEFT CLICK to engage afterburners and give you extra speed plus lift!
  • Hold RIGHT CLICK to do a standing launch takeoff! Make sure you have plenty of space or else!
  • Press E to drop flares and protect yourself from SAM targeting!
  • Press R to toggle your smoke trail!
When a player puts on a paraglider it tells them the drop and/or launch controls if they have permission to use them. Similarly, when they deploy the paraglider, it will also only show the flight controls that they have permission for.

PERMISSIONS INCLUDE: (Granting a higher tier permission overrides lower tier versions of that permission)

paraglider.use--------------------Use improved parachute (as paraglider) or any of its controls and effects
paraglider.launchcmd--------------Use the /launch chat command
paraglider.launcht1---------------TIER 1: Launch and take off from standing
paraglider.launcht2---------------TIER 2: Launch and take off from standing
paraglider.launcht3---------------TIER 3: Launch and take off from standing
paraglider.boostt1----------------TIER 1: Use boost to accelerate forward or backwards in Paraglider
paraglider.boostt2----------------TIER 2: Use boost to accelerate forward or backwards in Paraglider
paraglider.boostt3----------------TIER 3: Use boost to accelerate forward or backwards in Paraglider
paraglider.afterburnert1----------TIER 1: Use afterburners for lift and altitude
paraglider.afterburnert2----------TIER 2: Use afterburners for lift and altitude
paraglider.afterburnert3----------TIER 3: Use afterburners for lift and altitude
paraglider.fuelt2-----------------TIER 2: Fuel Capacity and recharge (TIER 1 is default with afterburner perms)
paraglider.fuelt3-----------------TIER 3: Fuel Capacity and recharge
paraglider.lowert1----------------TIER 1: Lower the Paraglider quickly
paraglider.lowert2----------------TIER 2: Lower the Paraglider quickly
paraglider.lowert3----------------TIER 3: Lower the Paraglider quickly
paraglider.jetdropt1--------------TIER 1: Drop from a jet with /drop
paraglider.jetdropt2--------------TIER 2: Drop from a jet with /drop
paraglider.jetdropt3--------------TIER 3: Drop from a jet with /drop
paraglider.useflares--------------Use flares to disable SAM targeting
paraglider.freeflares-------------No need for flares in Inventory
paraglider.smoke------------------Use smoke trail effect
paraglider.unlimitedfuel----------Afterburners to no fuel
paraglider.spawnwithparachute-----Respawn wearing a parachute
paraglider.nolaunchcd-------------No cooldown for Launch takeoff
paraglider.nojetdropcd------------No cooldown for Jet Drop
paraglider.jetrespawn-------------Respawn automatically in a Jet Drop
paraglider.yesescape--------------Ignore No Escape Raid/Combat Block

Note: Don't forget to set your preferred server settings for parachutes by default. For example, you might want to set "parachute.bypassrepack" to True