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Платное Warn Menu 0.1.2


  "Syntax": "Commands:\n/report   (Opens Reporter GUI)",
  "CUI Online": "Online Players",
  "CUI Player": "Player: {0}",
  "CUI SteamID": "SteamID64: {0}",
  "CUI Warnings": "Warnings: <color=#8f1919>{0}</color>",
  "CUI NewWarn": "New\nWarning",
  "CUI WarningID": "Warning ID: {0}",
  "CUI WarnedBy": "Warned by: {0}",
  "CUI Date": "Date: {0}",
  "CUI Reason": "Reason: \n{0}",
  "CUI Remove": "Remove",
  "CUI Close": "close",
  "CUI Warn": "Warn",
  "CUI WarnAddMenuPlayer": "Warning for\n<color=#d43939>{0}</color>",
  "CUI SearchAll": "Search All",
  "CUI SelectPlayer": "Select a player to warn:",
  "CUI Find": "Find player",
  "CUI Find2": "Select",
  "CUI Find3": "Find player:\n(steamID/Name)",
  "CUI CantFindPlayer": "Couldn't find the player\nsearching argument: {0}",
  "CUI FoundPlayer": "Found player: {0}",
  "CUI Refresh": "Refresh",
  "CantFindPlayer": "Couldn't find that player",
  "WarnMessage": "Warned: <color=#8f1919>{0}</color>\nReason: {1}",
  "JoinMessage": "{0} has joined with <color=#8f1919>{1}</color> warnings",
  "WarnReceive": "You have received a <color=#8f1919>warning</color>\nBy: {0}\nReason: {1}",
  "CUI WarnReceive": "<color=#8f1919>Warning</color>\nreceived",
  "CUI WarnReceive2": "By: {0}\nReason: {1}"


  "Announce on join with warnings?(to admins)": true,
  "Execute commands on reaching count:": {
    "Enabled?": true,
    "(Format:  5 : mute {0}) where 5 is number of warns and {0} is player's id": {
      "5": "say {0} just reached 5 warnings! SHAME on him!",
      "7": "example.command {0}",
      "10": "example.command {0}"
  "Warn message settings": {
    "Text-based warn message?": true,
    "CUI-based warn message?": true,
    "How long until CUI message gets removed (secs)": 5.0