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Платное Permission Shop 1.0.0

  "BuyPermButton": "BUY",
  "ShowPlayerBalance": "Balance: {0}",
  "ExitUI": "CLOSE",
  "PrevPageUI": "Previous Page",
  "NextPageUI": "Next Page",
  "AddNewPerm": "ADD NEW",
  "NewPermissionCreated": "New permission created and added to the config.",
  "PermissionDeleted": "Permission '{0}' has been deleted.",
  "FieldUpdated": "{0} has been updated.",
  "AlreadyHasPermission": "You already have this permission or you are already in this group.",
  "NotEnoughCurrency": "You do not have enough currency to buy this permission.",
  "PermissionPurchased": "You have successfully purchased the '{0}' {1}."