• Хостинг игровых серверов

    Максимальная производительность для ваших игровых серверов!

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  "Map Marker Options": {
    "Enable radial markers": false,
    "Enable vending markers": true,
    "Duration markers are visible on map (seconds)": 300,
    "Radius of map marker": 0.28,
    "Color of map marker (hex)": "FCD12A"
  "Notification Options": {
    "Show notification on respawn": true,
    "Notification delay (seconds)": 5,
    "Debug deaths in console": false
  "Direct Draw Options": {
    "Enable direct draw": true,
    "Color of the arrow (hex)": "FCD12A",
    "Color of the text (hex)": "115DA8",
    "Color of the sphere (hex)": "9E1A1A",
    "Show sphere": false,
    "Show arrow": true,
    "Show text": true,
    "Sphere radius": 5.0,
    "Arrow length": 150.0,
    "Arrow vertical offset": 1.0,
    "Text vertical offset": 150.0,
    "Randomize XZ offset": false,
    "Direct draw duration": 60
  "Version": {
    "Major": 2,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0