может пермишн пропишешь вначале)Почему пишет нет доступа ?
Плагин не работает, нормальный развод, спасибо
Какой ? Если он ошибку выдаёт, "нет доступа"может пермишн пропишешь вначале)
Какой Devblog? И конфиг фаил приложи нам.Какой ? Если он ошибку выдаёт, "нет доступа"
Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'PlayerSkins v2.0.25' (UnauthorizedAccessException: Доступ к системе ограничен, недостаточно прав для использования -> (TYPE)Steamworks.SteamInventory)
Новый растКакой Devblog? И конфиг фаил приложи нам.
"Steam API key (get one here https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey)": ""Новый раст
Пробовал"Steam API key (get one here https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey)": ""
Укажи ключ и попробуй.
Это разве скин? Я думаю, просто новый предмет. Не?Подскажите, а как добавить скин нового хазмата??????
Removed the entire workshop scan for skins on startup, replaced with the ability to add skin collections
Changed console commands for adding/removing skins (see overview)
Fixed default costs being set wrong
Only include skinnable items in the default cost list in the config
Bunch of data files have become obsolete, what ever skins you have already setup will remain
Fixed setting default costs NRE after server restart, wait till Steamworks is initialized
Dynamically update localization file with item display names
Dynamically update localization file with customizable VIP messages
Added console command "playerskins.giveskin <userID> <item shortname> <skinID>"
Added config option to change chat command, also added direct commands for skin shop and reskin which can be changed in the config
Ignore players with non-steam IDs in hooks
Create new data files if previous ones are corrupted...