Плагин Hunger Games 1.1.18

Oxide Россия

Команда форума
7 Дек 2017
Hunger Games - Fight to be the last person standing in this epic battle royale game mode for rust!

Hunger Games​

About Hunger Games

Hunger games is a Battle Royale game mode for Rust, which was inspired by the hunger games movie.

Players are thrown into an unforgiving environment and are forced to scavenge for weapons and armor, all the while a toxic atmosphere pushes them is closing in around them, forcing them closer to one another.

The weapon and armor spawns are controlled by the plugin. This allows server owners to create multiple weapon profiles for...
WOLF SPIRIT обновил(а) ресурс Hunger Games новой записью:

Обновления & Исправления

  • Исправлено Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой DeleteBackpacks не удалял рюкзаки после завершения игры.
  • Обновлена обновленная интеграция NightVision и удалена обработка разрешений.

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