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Помогите Падение сервера


10 Апр 2022
Добрый день, после последнего обновления rust, сервер начал падать. Иногда помогает перезапуск, но не надолго. В консоли только такая ошибка спамится:
Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh
(Filename: Line: 648)
Может кто сталкивался?
Может кто увидит что-то
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetLogCallback] Procedure: 0x41c00820 LogLevel: Verb.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Initialize] ServerName: 'Rust Division Main [MAX3|X2] Wipe 10.06' RegisterTimeout: 20.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 1h EventName: 'game_round_start' Parameters: { map_name (string) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 2h EventName: 'game_round_end' Parameters: { winning_team_id (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 3h EventName: 'player_spawn' Parameters: { player (client), team_id (uint32), character_id (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 4h EventName: 'player_despawn' Parameters: { player (client), player_death (uint32), player_killer (client) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 5h EventName: 'player_revive' Parameters: { player_revived (client), player_reviving (client) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 6h EventName: 'player_tick' Parameters: { player (client), player_position (vec3f), player_viewrotation (quat), player_health (uint32), player_tickflags (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 7h EventName: 'player_useweapon' Parameters: { player (client), player_position (vec3f), player_viewrotation (quat), player_fov (uint32), weapon_id (uint32), melee_attack (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 8h EventName: 'player_takedamage' Parameters: { player_victim (client), player_victim_position (vec3f), player_victim_viewrotation (quat), player_attacker (client), player_attacker_position (vec3f), player_attacker_viewrotation (quat), player_attacker_fov (uint32), weapon_id (uint32), hitbone_id (uint32), damage_taken (uint32), damage_flags (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 9h EventName: 'player_downed' Parameters: { player_victim (client), player_attacker (client) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Ah EventName: 'player_death' Parameters: { victim (client), victim_shots_fired (uint64), victim_shots_landed (uint64), attacker (client), attacker_shots_fired (uint64), attacker_shots_landed (uint64) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Bh EventName: 'game_round_start_v2' Parameters: { map_name (string), mode_name (string), round_time_seconds (uint32), start_frame_number (uint64), start_delta_seconds (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Ch EventName: 'game_round_start_v3' Parameters: { gamesessionid (string), map_name (string), mode_name (string), round_time_seconds (uint32), start_frame_number (uint64), start_delta_seconds (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Dh EventName: 'player_use_ability' Parameters: { player (client), ability_id (uint32), ability_duration_ms (uint32), ability_cooldown_ms (uint32), ability_effect_flags (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Error] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [LogEvent] BeginFrame has not been called!
06/14/2022 13:49:06 [Info] [16:49:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x1 PlayerGUID: 76561198358800394 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198358800394 PlayerName: снайпер
06/14/2022 13:49:06 [Info] [16:49:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 13:49:08 [Info] [16:49:08] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x1 Session: 1 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x1.
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x1
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x1 Session: 1 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:01:15 [Info] [17:01:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:01:15 [Info] [17:01:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:01:15 [Info] [17:01:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x1 PlayerGUID: 76561198358800394
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Server empty, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 14:30:33 [Info] [17:30:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x2 PlayerGUID: 76561198120229450 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198120229450 PlayerName: //
06/14/2022 14:30:33 [Info] [17:30:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 14:30:35 [Info] [17:30:35] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x2 Session: 2 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:30:35 [Info] [17:30:35] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x2.
06/14/2022 14:30:36 [Info] [17:30:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:30:36 [Info] [17:30:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x2
06/14/2022 14:30:36 [Info] [17:30:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x2 Session: 2 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:34:06 [Info] [17:34:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:34:07 [Info] [17:34:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:45:02 [Info] [17:45:02] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x3 PlayerGUID: 76561199158780679 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199158780679 PlayerName: Tanya
06/14/2022 14:45:04 [Info] [17:45:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x3 Session: 3 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x3.
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x3
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x3 Session: 3 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:47:05 [Info] [17:47:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:47:05 [Info] [17:47:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:47:06 [Info] [17:47:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:49:55 [Info] [17:49:55] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x4 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerName: Хабар принёс?
06/14/2022 14:49:58 [Info] [17:49:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x4 Session: 4 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:49:58 [Info] [17:49:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x4.
06/14/2022 14:49:59 [Info] [17:49:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x4 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:49:59 [Info] [17:49:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x4
06/14/2022 14:49:59 [Info] [17:49:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x4 Session: 4 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:50:02 [Info] [17:50:02] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x4 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202
06/14/2022 14:51:41 [Info] [17:51:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x5 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerName: Хабар принёс?
06/14/2022 14:51:43 [Info] [17:51:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x5 Session: 5 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:51:43 [Info] [17:51:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x5.
06/14/2022 14:51:44 [Info] [17:51:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x5 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:51:44 [Info] [17:51:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x5
06/14/2022 14:51:44 [Info] [17:51:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x5 Session: 5 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:51:45 [Info] [17:51:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x5 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202
06/14/2022 14:51:47 [Info] [17:51:47] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x6 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerName: Хабар принёс?
06/14/2022 14:51:49 [Info] [17:51:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x6 Session: 6 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:51:49 [Info] [17:51:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x6.
06/14/2022 14:51:50 [Info] [17:51:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:51:50 [Info] [17:51:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x6
06/14/2022 14:51:50 [Info] [17:51:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x6 Session: 6 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:53:07 [Info] [17:53:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:53:07 [Info] [17:53:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:54:50 [Info] [17:54:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:54:50 [Info] [17:54:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:54:50 [Info] [17:54:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:01:26 [Info] [18:01:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:01:27 [Info] [18:01:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:03:04 [Info] [18:03:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x3 PlayerGUID: 76561199158780679
06/14/2022 15:06:01 [Info] [18:06:01] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x7 PlayerGUID: 76561198038976815 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198038976815 PlayerName: -Awake
06/14/2022 15:06:04 [Info] [18:06:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x7 Session: 7 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 15:06:04 [Info] [18:06:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x7.
06/14/2022 15:06:05 [Info] [18:06:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:06:05 [Info] [18:06:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x7
06/14/2022 15:06:05 [Info] [18:06:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x7 Session: 7 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 15:07:53 [Info] [18:07:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x8 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerName: Cave_dweller
06/14/2022 15:07:58 [Info] [18:07:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:07:58 [Info] [18:07:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:07:58 [Info] [18:07:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:08:13 [Info] [18:08:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x8 Session: 8 Status: Client Authentication Failed Message: Authentication timed out (1/2).
06/14/2022 15:08:13 [Info] [18:08:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x8 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614
06/14/2022 15:09:51 [Info] [18:09:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:09:51 [Info] [18:09:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:12:40 [Info] [18:12:40] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x9 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerName: Cave_dweller
06/14/2022 15:13:00 [Info] [18:13:00] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x9 Session: 9 Status: Client Authentication Failed Message: Authentication timed out (1/2).
06/14/2022 15:13:00 [Info] [18:13:00] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x9 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614
06/14/2022 15:21:47 [Info] [18:21:47] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xa PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerName: Cave_dweller
06/14/2022 15:21:50 [Info] [18:21:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xa Session: 10 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 15:21:50 [Info] [18:21:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xa.
06/14/2022 15:21:51 [Info] [18:21:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xa NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:21:51 [Info] [18:21:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xa
06/14/2022 15:21:51 [Info] [18:21:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xa Session: 10 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 15:22:12 [Info] [18:22:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xa PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614
06/14/2022 15:41:40 [Info] [18:41:40] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:41:40 [Info] [18:41:40] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:41:44 [Info] [18:41:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x7 PlayerGUID: 76561198038976815
06/14/2022 15:42:15 [Error] [18:42:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection timed out, response delay was: 24 s.
06/14/2022 15:42:15 [Info] [18:42:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 15:42:15 [Info] [18:42:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 15:43:51 [Warning] [18:43:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 15:45:51 [Info] [18:45:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 15:46:11 [Info] [18:46:11] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:46:11 [Info] [18:46:11] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:06:37 [Error] [19:06:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Receive operation failed with -1, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 16:06:37 [Info] [19:06:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 16:06:37 [Info] [19:06:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 16:07:51 [Warning] [19:07:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 16:09:51 [Info] [19:09:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 16:14:20 [Info] [19:14:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xb PlayerGUID: 76561198136957287 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198136957287 PlayerName: Amado
06/14/2022 16:14:22 [Info] [19:14:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xb Session: 11 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:14:22 [Info] [19:14:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xb.
06/14/2022 16:14:23 [Info] [19:14:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:14:23 [Info] [19:14:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xb
06/14/2022 16:14:23 [Info] [19:14:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xb Session: 11 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:17:19 [Info] [19:17:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:17:19 [Info] [19:17:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:17:29 [Info] [19:17:29] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:17:30 [Info] [19:17:30] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:31:12 [Info] [19:31:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xc PlayerGUID: 76561197997557116 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561197997557116 PlayerName: 2pic
06/14/2022 16:31:14 [Info] [19:31:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xc Session: 12 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:31:14 [Info] [19:31:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xc.
06/14/2022 16:31:15 [Info] [19:31:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:31:15 [Info] [19:31:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xc
06/14/2022 16:31:15 [Info] [19:31:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xc Session: 12 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:33:24 [Info] [19:33:24] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xd PlayerGUID: 76561198122871240 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198122871240 PlayerName: MrKy3bIw
06/14/2022 16:33:26 [Info] [19:33:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xd Session: 13 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:33:26 [Info] [19:33:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xd.
06/14/2022 16:33:27 [Info] [19:33:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xd NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:33:27 [Info] [19:33:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xd
06/14/2022 16:33:27 [Info] [19:33:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xd Session: 13 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:34:53 [Info] [19:34:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:34:53 [Info] [19:34:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:35:33 [Info] [19:35:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:35:34 [Info] [19:35:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:36:13 [Info] [19:36:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xd PlayerGUID: 76561198122871240
06/14/2022 16:36:57 [Info] [19:36:57] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:36:57 [Info] [19:36:57] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:37:04 [Info] [19:37:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:37:04 [Info] [19:37:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:37:39 [Info] [19:37:39] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x6 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202
06/14/2022 16:38:16 [Info] [19:38:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xe PlayerGUID: 76561199241288315 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199241288315 PlayerName: i cant breath
06/14/2022 16:38:19 [Info] [19:38:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xe Session: 14 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:38:19 [Info] [19:38:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xe.
06/14/2022 16:38:20 [Info] [19:38:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:38:20 [Info] [19:38:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xe
06/14/2022 16:38:20 [Info] [19:38:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xe Session: 14 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:39:38 [Info] [19:39:38] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xc PlayerGUID: 76561197997557116
06/14/2022 16:41:49 [Info] [19:41:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:41:49 [Info] [19:41:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:41:50 [Info] [19:41:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:51:28 [Info] [19:51:28] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xb PlayerGUID: 76561198136957287
06/14/2022 17:03:18 [Info] [20:03:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xf PlayerGUID: 76561199041119876 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199041119876 PlayerName: СЕКСИ ПУПОК
06/14/2022 17:03:21 [Info] [20:03:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xf Session: 15 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:03:21 [Info] [20:03:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xf.
06/14/2022 17:03:22 [Info] [20:03:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:03:22 [Info] [20:03:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xf
06/14/2022 17:03:22 [Info] [20:03:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xf Session: 15 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:06:53 [Info] [20:06:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:06:53 [Info] [20:06:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:23:01 [Info] [20:23:01] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x10 PlayerGUID: 76561198260651270 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198260651270 PlayerName: Cepera108
06/14/2022 17:23:03 [Info] [20:23:03] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x10 Session: 16 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:23:03 [Info] [20:23:03] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x10.
06/14/2022 17:23:04 [Info] [20:23:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:23:04 [Info] [20:23:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x10
06/14/2022 17:23:04 [Info] [20:23:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x10 Session: 16 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:23:41 [Info] [20:23:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x11 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerName: kulakov.daniel
06/14/2022 17:23:44 [Info] [20:23:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x11 Session: 17 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:23:44 [Info] [20:23:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x11.
06/14/2022 17:23:45 [Info] [20:23:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:23:45 [Info] [20:23:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x11
06/14/2022 17:23:45 [Info] [20:23:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x11 Session: 17 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:25:54 [Info] [20:25:54] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:25:54 [Info] [20:25:54] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:26:16 [Info] [20:26:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:16 [Info] [20:26:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:16 [Info] [20:26:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:26:18 [Info] [20:26:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:18 [Info] [20:26:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:18 [Info] [20:26:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:37:34 [Info] [20:37:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:37:34 [Info] [20:37:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:37:51 [Info] [20:37:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:37:51 [Info] [20:37:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:38:04 [Info] [20:38:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x12 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerName: ЛЯГУСЬКАCHEBYREK
06/14/2022 17:38:06 [Info] [20:38:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x12 Session: 18 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:38:06 [Info] [20:38:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x12.
06/14/2022 17:38:07 [Info] [20:38:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x12 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:38:07 [Info] [20:38:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x12
06/14/2022 17:38:07 [Info] [20:38:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x12 Session: 18 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:38:33 [Info] [20:38:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:38:34 [Info] [20:38:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:38:46 [Info] [20:38:46] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xe PlayerGUID: 76561199241288315
06/14/2022 17:42:32 [Info] [20:42:32] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x12 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060
06/14/2022 17:47:31 [Info] [20:47:31] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x11 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481
06/14/2022 17:52:49 [Info] [20:52:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x13 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerName: ЛЯГУСЬКАCHEBYREK
06/14/2022 17:52:52 [Info] [20:52:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x13 Session: 19 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:52:52 [Info] [20:52:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x13.
06/14/2022 17:52:53 [Info] [20:52:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x13 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:52:53 [Info] [20:52:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x13
06/14/2022 17:52:53 [Info] [20:52:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x13 Session: 19 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:56:14 [Info] [20:56:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:56:14 [Info] [20:56:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:56:41 [Info] [20:56:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x14 PlayerGUID: 76561198204063243 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198204063243 PlayerName: ALIAS#RustCases.com
06/14/2022 17:56:42 [Info] [20:56:42] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:56:43 [Info] [20:56:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:56:43 [Info] [20:56:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x14 Session: 20 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:56:43 [Info] [20:56:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x14.
06/14/2022 17:56:44 [Info] [20:56:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:56:44 [Info] [20:56:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x14
06/14/2022 17:56:44 [Info] [20:56:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x14 Session: 20 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:57:10 [Info] [20:57:10] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x15 PlayerGUID: 76561199154917281 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199154917281 PlayerName: LIME
06/14/2022 17:57:12 [Info] [20:57:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x15 Session: 21 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:57:12 [Info] [20:57:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x15.
06/14/2022 17:57:13 [Info] [20:57:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:57:13 [Info] [20:57:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x15
06/14/2022 17:57:13 [Info] [20:57:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x15 Session: 21 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:57:21 [Info] [20:57:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:57:21 [Info] [20:57:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:58:20 [Info] [20:58:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x16 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerName: kulakov.daniel
06/14/2022 17:58:22 [Info] [20:58:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x16 Session: 22 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:58:22 [Info] [20:58:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x16.
06/14/2022 17:58:23 [Info] [20:58:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:58:23 [Info] [20:58:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x16
06/14/2022 17:58:23 [Info] [20:58:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x16 Session: 22 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:59:12 [Info] [20:59:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:59:13 [Info] [20:59:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:03:19 [Info] [21:03:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:03:20 [Info] [21:03:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:04:13 [Info] [21:04:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:04:13 [Info] [21:04:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:04:14 [Info] [21:04:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:05:18 [Info] [21:05:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:05:18 [Info] [21:05:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:06:49 [Info] [21:06:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:06:50 [Info] [21:06:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:06:50 [Info] [21:06:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:06:50 [Info] [21:06:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:09:26 [Info] [21:09:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:09:26 [Info] [21:09:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:09:57 [Info] [21:09:57] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x13 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060
06/14/2022 18:10:16 [Info] [21:10:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:10:17 [Info] [21:10:17] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:12:45 [Info] [21:12:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:12:45 [Info] [21:12:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:12:52 [Info] [21:12:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:12:52 [Info] [21:12:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:12:53 [Info] [21:12:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:13:46 [Info] [21:13:46] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:13:46 [Info] [21:13:46] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:15:04 [Info] [21:15:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:15:04 [Info] [21:15:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:20:29 [Info] [21:20:29] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x17 PlayerGUID: 76561198114252555 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198114252555 PlayerName: kiberlog
06/14/2022 18:20:32 [Info] [21:20:32] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x17 Session: 23 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 18:20:32 [Info] [21:20:32] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x17.
06/14/2022 18:20:33 [Info] [21:20:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x17 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:20:33 [Info] [21:20:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x17
06/14/2022 18:20:33 [Info] [21:20:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x17 Session: 23 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 18:22:10 [Info] [21:22:10] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x18 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerName: 8989
06/14/2022 18:22:12 [Info] [21:22:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x18 Session: 24 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 18:22:12 [Info] [21:22:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x18.
06/14/2022 18:22:13 [Info] [21:22:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:22:13 [Info] [21:22:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x18
06/14/2022 18:22:13 [Info] [21:22:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x18 Session: 24 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 18:25:16 [Info] [21:25:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x17 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:25:17 [Info] [21:25:17] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x17 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:26:41 [Info] [21:26:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x16 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481
06/14/2022 18:27:04 [Info] [21:27:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:27:04 [Info] [21:27:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:27:04 [Info] [21:27:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:27:30 [Info] [21:27:30] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x18 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495
06/14/2022 18:33:11 [Info] [21:33:11] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x19 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerName: 8989
06/14/2022 18:33:14 [Info] [21:33:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x19 Session: 25 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 18:33:14 [Info] [21:33:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x19.
06/14/2022 18:33:15 [Info] [21:33:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x19 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:33:15 [Info] [21:33:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x19
06/14/2022 18:33:15 [Info] [21:33:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x19 Session: 25 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 18:40:26 [Info] [21:40:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x19 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:40:26 [Info] [21:40:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x19 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:40:45 [Info] [21:40:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x15 PlayerGUID: 76561199154917281
06/14/2022 18:41:01 [Info] [21:41:01] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x19 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495
06/14/2022 18:42:07 [Error] [21:42:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Send operation failed with 0, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 18:42:07 [Info] [21:42:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 18:42:07 [Info] [21:42:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 18:43:51 [Warning] [21:43:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 18:43:59 [Info] [21:43:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xf Session: 15 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:08 [Info] [21:44:08] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x17 Session: 23 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:13 [Info] [21:44:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x2 Session: 2 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:19 [Info] [21:44:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x14 Session: 20 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:42 [Info] [21:44:42] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x10 Session: 16 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:45:51 [Info] [21:45:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 19:39:51 [Error] [22:39:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Receive operation failed with -1, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 19:39:51 [Info] [22:39:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 19:39:51 [Info] [22:39:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 19:41:51 [Warning] [22:41:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 19:43:51 [Info] [22:43:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
мне вот интересно. когда люди выкладывают подобные посты - на что они вообще рассчитывают? всем форумом видимо должны упрашивать инфу, чтобы помочь решить проблему.
я бы удалял нахой такие посты из-за в целом неуважения к людям, которые обычно в подобных проблемах разбираются, потому что они в пустую тратят время, выпрашивая то, что уже должно быть в первом сообщение написано/прикреплено.
Может кто увидит что-то
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetLogCallback] Procedure: 0x41c00820 LogLevel: Verb.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Initialize] ServerName: 'Rust Division Main [MAX3|X2] Wipe 10.06' RegisterTimeout: 20.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 1h EventName: 'game_round_start' Parameters: { map_name (string) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 2h EventName: 'game_round_end' Parameters: { winning_team_id (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 3h EventName: 'player_spawn' Parameters: { player (client), team_id (uint32), character_id (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 4h EventName: 'player_despawn' Parameters: { player (client), player_death (uint32), player_killer (client) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 5h EventName: 'player_revive' Parameters: { player_revived (client), player_reviving (client) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 6h EventName: 'player_tick' Parameters: { player (client), player_position (vec3f), player_viewrotation (quat), player_health (uint32), player_tickflags (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 7h EventName: 'player_useweapon' Parameters: { player (client), player_position (vec3f), player_viewrotation (quat), player_fov (uint32), weapon_id (uint32), melee_attack (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 8h EventName: 'player_takedamage' Parameters: { player_victim (client), player_victim_position (vec3f), player_victim_viewrotation (quat), player_attacker (client), player_attacker_position (vec3f), player_attacker_viewrotation (quat), player_attacker_fov (uint32), weapon_id (uint32), hitbone_id (uint32), damage_taken (uint32), damage_flags (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 9h EventName: 'player_downed' Parameters: { player_victim (client), player_attacker (client) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Ah EventName: 'player_death' Parameters: { victim (client), victim_shots_fired (uint64), victim_shots_landed (uint64), attacker (client), attacker_shots_fired (uint64), attacker_shots_landed (uint64) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Bh EventName: 'game_round_start_v2' Parameters: { map_name (string), mode_name (string), round_time_seconds (uint32), start_frame_number (uint64), start_delta_seconds (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Ch EventName: 'game_round_start_v3' Parameters: { gamesessionid (string), map_name (string), mode_name (string), round_time_seconds (uint32), start_frame_number (uint64), start_delta_seconds (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Dh EventName: 'player_use_ability' Parameters: { player (client), ability_id (uint32), ability_duration_ms (uint32), ability_cooldown_ms (uint32), ability_effect_flags (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Error] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [LogEvent] BeginFrame has not been called!
06/14/2022 13:49:06 [Info] [16:49:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x1 PlayerGUID: 76561198358800394 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198358800394 PlayerName: снайпер
06/14/2022 13:49:06 [Info] [16:49:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 13:49:08 [Info] [16:49:08] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x1 Session: 1 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x1.
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x1
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x1 Session: 1 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:01:15 [Info] [17:01:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:01:15 [Info] [17:01:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:01:15 [Info] [17:01:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x1 PlayerGUID: 76561198358800394
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Server empty, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 14:30:33 [Info] [17:30:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x2 PlayerGUID: 76561198120229450 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198120229450 PlayerName: //
06/14/2022 14:30:33 [Info] [17:30:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 14:30:35 [Info] [17:30:35] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x2 Session: 2 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:30:35 [Info] [17:30:35] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x2.
06/14/2022 14:30:36 [Info] [17:30:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:30:36 [Info] [17:30:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x2
06/14/2022 14:30:36 [Info] [17:30:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x2 Session: 2 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:34:06 [Info] [17:34:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:34:07 [Info] [17:34:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:45:02 [Info] [17:45:02] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x3 PlayerGUID: 76561199158780679 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199158780679 PlayerName: Tanya
06/14/2022 14:45:04 [Info] [17:45:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x3 Session: 3 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x3.
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x3
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x3 Session: 3 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:47:05 [Info] [17:47:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:47:05 [Info] [17:47:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:47:06 [Info] [17:47:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:49:55 [Info] [17:49:55] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x4 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerName: Хабар принёс?
06/14/2022 14:49:58 [Info] [17:49:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x4 Session: 4 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:49:58 [Info] [17:49:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x4.
06/14/2022 14:49:59 [Info] [17:49:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x4 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:49:59 [Info] [17:49:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x4
06/14/2022 14:49:59 [Info] [17:49:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x4 Session: 4 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:50:02 [Info] [17:50:02] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x4 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202
06/14/2022 14:51:41 [Info] [17:51:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x5 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerName: Хабар принёс?
06/14/2022 14:51:43 [Info] [17:51:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x5 Session: 5 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:51:43 [Info] [17:51:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x5.
06/14/2022 14:51:44 [Info] [17:51:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x5 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:51:44 [Info] [17:51:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x5
06/14/2022 14:51:44 [Info] [17:51:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x5 Session: 5 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:51:45 [Info] [17:51:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x5 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202
06/14/2022 14:51:47 [Info] [17:51:47] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x6 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerName: Хабар принёс?
06/14/2022 14:51:49 [Info] [17:51:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x6 Session: 6 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:51:49 [Info] [17:51:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x6.
06/14/2022 14:51:50 [Info] [17:51:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:51:50 [Info] [17:51:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x6
06/14/2022 14:51:50 [Info] [17:51:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x6 Session: 6 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:53:07 [Info] [17:53:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:53:07 [Info] [17:53:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:54:50 [Info] [17:54:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:54:50 [Info] [17:54:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:54:50 [Info] [17:54:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:01:26 [Info] [18:01:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:01:27 [Info] [18:01:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:03:04 [Info] [18:03:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x3 PlayerGUID: 76561199158780679
06/14/2022 15:06:01 [Info] [18:06:01] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x7 PlayerGUID: 76561198038976815 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198038976815 PlayerName: -Awake
06/14/2022 15:06:04 [Info] [18:06:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x7 Session: 7 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 15:06:04 [Info] [18:06:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x7.
06/14/2022 15:06:05 [Info] [18:06:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:06:05 [Info] [18:06:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x7
06/14/2022 15:06:05 [Info] [18:06:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x7 Session: 7 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 15:07:53 [Info] [18:07:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x8 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerName: Cave_dweller
06/14/2022 15:07:58 [Info] [18:07:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:07:58 [Info] [18:07:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:07:58 [Info] [18:07:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:08:13 [Info] [18:08:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x8 Session: 8 Status: Client Authentication Failed Message: Authentication timed out (1/2).
06/14/2022 15:08:13 [Info] [18:08:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x8 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614
06/14/2022 15:09:51 [Info] [18:09:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:09:51 [Info] [18:09:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:12:40 [Info] [18:12:40] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x9 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerName: Cave_dweller
06/14/2022 15:13:00 [Info] [18:13:00] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x9 Session: 9 Status: Client Authentication Failed Message: Authentication timed out (1/2).
06/14/2022 15:13:00 [Info] [18:13:00] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x9 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614
06/14/2022 15:21:47 [Info] [18:21:47] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xa PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerName: Cave_dweller
06/14/2022 15:21:50 [Info] [18:21:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xa Session: 10 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 15:21:50 [Info] [18:21:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xa.
06/14/2022 15:21:51 [Info] [18:21:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xa NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:21:51 [Info] [18:21:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xa
06/14/2022 15:21:51 [Info] [18:21:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xa Session: 10 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 15:22:12 [Info] [18:22:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xa PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614
06/14/2022 15:41:40 [Info] [18:41:40] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:41:40 [Info] [18:41:40] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:41:44 [Info] [18:41:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x7 PlayerGUID: 76561198038976815
06/14/2022 15:42:15 [Error] [18:42:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection timed out, response delay was: 24 s.
06/14/2022 15:42:15 [Info] [18:42:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 15:42:15 [Info] [18:42:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 15:43:51 [Warning] [18:43:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 15:45:51 [Info] [18:45:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 15:46:11 [Info] [18:46:11] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:46:11 [Info] [18:46:11] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:06:37 [Error] [19:06:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Receive operation failed with -1, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 16:06:37 [Info] [19:06:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 16:06:37 [Info] [19:06:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 16:07:51 [Warning] [19:07:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 16:09:51 [Info] [19:09:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 16:14:20 [Info] [19:14:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xb PlayerGUID: 76561198136957287 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198136957287 PlayerName: Amado
06/14/2022 16:14:22 [Info] [19:14:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xb Session: 11 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:14:22 [Info] [19:14:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xb.
06/14/2022 16:14:23 [Info] [19:14:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:14:23 [Info] [19:14:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xb
06/14/2022 16:14:23 [Info] [19:14:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xb Session: 11 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:17:19 [Info] [19:17:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:17:19 [Info] [19:17:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:17:29 [Info] [19:17:29] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:17:30 [Info] [19:17:30] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:31:12 [Info] [19:31:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xc PlayerGUID: 76561197997557116 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561197997557116 PlayerName: 2pic
06/14/2022 16:31:14 [Info] [19:31:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xc Session: 12 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:31:14 [Info] [19:31:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xc.
06/14/2022 16:31:15 [Info] [19:31:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:31:15 [Info] [19:31:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xc
06/14/2022 16:31:15 [Info] [19:31:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xc Session: 12 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:33:24 [Info] [19:33:24] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xd PlayerGUID: 76561198122871240 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198122871240 PlayerName: MrKy3bIw
06/14/2022 16:33:26 [Info] [19:33:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xd Session: 13 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:33:26 [Info] [19:33:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xd.
06/14/2022 16:33:27 [Info] [19:33:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xd NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:33:27 [Info] [19:33:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xd
06/14/2022 16:33:27 [Info] [19:33:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xd Session: 13 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:34:53 [Info] [19:34:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:34:53 [Info] [19:34:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:35:33 [Info] [19:35:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:35:34 [Info] [19:35:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:36:13 [Info] [19:36:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xd PlayerGUID: 76561198122871240
06/14/2022 16:36:57 [Info] [19:36:57] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:36:57 [Info] [19:36:57] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:37:04 [Info] [19:37:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:37:04 [Info] [19:37:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:37:39 [Info] [19:37:39] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x6 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202
06/14/2022 16:38:16 [Info] [19:38:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xe PlayerGUID: 76561199241288315 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199241288315 PlayerName: i cant breath
06/14/2022 16:38:19 [Info] [19:38:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xe Session: 14 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:38:19 [Info] [19:38:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xe.
06/14/2022 16:38:20 [Info] [19:38:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:38:20 [Info] [19:38:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xe
06/14/2022 16:38:20 [Info] [19:38:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xe Session: 14 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:39:38 [Info] [19:39:38] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xc PlayerGUID: 76561197997557116
06/14/2022 16:41:49 [Info] [19:41:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:41:49 [Info] [19:41:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:41:50 [Info] [19:41:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:51:28 [Info] [19:51:28] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xb PlayerGUID: 76561198136957287
06/14/2022 17:03:18 [Info] [20:03:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xf PlayerGUID: 76561199041119876 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199041119876 PlayerName: СЕКСИ ПУПОК
06/14/2022 17:03:21 [Info] [20:03:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xf Session: 15 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:03:21 [Info] [20:03:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xf.
06/14/2022 17:03:22 [Info] [20:03:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:03:22 [Info] [20:03:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xf
06/14/2022 17:03:22 [Info] [20:03:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xf Session: 15 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:06:53 [Info] [20:06:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:06:53 [Info] [20:06:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:23:01 [Info] [20:23:01] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x10 PlayerGUID: 76561198260651270 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198260651270 PlayerName: Cepera108
06/14/2022 17:23:03 [Info] [20:23:03] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x10 Session: 16 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:23:03 [Info] [20:23:03] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x10.
06/14/2022 17:23:04 [Info] [20:23:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:23:04 [Info] [20:23:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x10
06/14/2022 17:23:04 [Info] [20:23:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x10 Session: 16 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:23:41 [Info] [20:23:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x11 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerName: kulakov.daniel
06/14/2022 17:23:44 [Info] [20:23:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x11 Session: 17 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:23:44 [Info] [20:23:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x11.
06/14/2022 17:23:45 [Info] [20:23:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:23:45 [Info] [20:23:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x11
06/14/2022 17:23:45 [Info] [20:23:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x11 Session: 17 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:25:54 [Info] [20:25:54] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:25:54 [Info] [20:25:54] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:26:16 [Info] [20:26:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:16 [Info] [20:26:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:16 [Info] [20:26:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:26:18 [Info] [20:26:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:18 [Info] [20:26:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:18 [Info] [20:26:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:37:34 [Info] [20:37:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:37:34 [Info] [20:37:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:37:51 [Info] [20:37:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:37:51 [Info] [20:37:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:38:04 [Info] [20:38:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x12 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerName: ЛЯГУСЬКАCHEBYREK
06/14/2022 17:38:06 [Info] [20:38:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x12 Session: 18 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:38:06 [Info] [20:38:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x12.
06/14/2022 17:38:07 [Info] [20:38:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x12 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:38:07 [Info] [20:38:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x12
06/14/2022 17:38:07 [Info] [20:38:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x12 Session: 18 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:38:33 [Info] [20:38:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:38:34 [Info] [20:38:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:38:46 [Info] [20:38:46] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xe PlayerGUID: 76561199241288315
06/14/2022 17:42:32 [Info] [20:42:32] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x12 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060
06/14/2022 17:47:31 [Info] [20:47:31] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x11 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481
06/14/2022 17:52:49 [Info] [20:52:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x13 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerName: ЛЯГУСЬКАCHEBYREK
06/14/2022 17:52:52 [Info] [20:52:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x13 Session: 19 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:52:52 [Info] [20:52:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x13.
06/14/2022 17:52:53 [Info] [20:52:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x13 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:52:53 [Info] [20:52:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x13
06/14/2022 17:52:53 [Info] [20:52:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x13 Session: 19 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:56:14 [Info] [20:56:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:56:14 [Info] [20:56:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:56:41 [Info] [20:56:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x14 PlayerGUID: 76561198204063243 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198204063243 PlayerName: ALIAS#RustCases.com
06/14/2022 17:56:42 [Info] [20:56:42] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:56:43 [Info] [20:56:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:56:43 [Info] [20:56:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x14 Session: 20 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:56:43 [Info] [20:56:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x14.
06/14/2022 17:56:44 [Info] [20:56:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:56:44 [Info] [20:56:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x14
06/14/2022 17:56:44 [Info] [20:56:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x14 Session: 20 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:57:10 [Info] [20:57:10] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x15 PlayerGUID: 76561199154917281 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199154917281 PlayerName: LIME
06/14/2022 17:57:12 [Info] [20:57:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x15 Session: 21 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:57:12 [Info] [20:57:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x15.
06/14/2022 17:57:13 [Info] [20:57:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:57:13 [Info] [20:57:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x15
06/14/2022 17:57:13 [Info] [20:57:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x15 Session: 21 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:57:21 [Info] [20:57:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:57:21 [Info] [20:57:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:58:20 [Info] [20:58:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x16 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerName: kulakov.daniel
06/14/2022 17:58:22 [Info] [20:58:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x16 Session: 22 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:58:22 [Info] [20:58:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x16.
06/14/2022 17:58:23 [Info] [20:58:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:58:23 [Info] [20:58:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x16
06/14/2022 17:58:23 [Info] [20:58:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x16 Session: 22 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:59:12 [Info] [20:59:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:59:13 [Info] [20:59:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:03:19 [Info] [21:03:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:03:20 [Info] [21:03:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:04:13 [Info] [21:04:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:04:13 [Info] [21:04:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:04:14 [Info] [21:04:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:05:18 [Info] [21:05:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:05:18 [Info] [21:05:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:06:49 [Info] [21:06:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:06:50 [Info] [21:06:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:06:50 [Info] [21:06:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:06:50 [Info] [21:06:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:09:26 [Info] [21:09:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:09:26 [Info] [21:09:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:09:57 [Info] [21:09:57] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x13 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060
06/14/2022 18:10:16 [Info] [21:10:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:10:17 [Info] [21:10:17] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:12:45 [Info] [21:12:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:12:45 [Info] [21:12:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:12:52 [Info] [21:12:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:12:52 [Info] [21:12:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:12:53 [Info] [21:12:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:13:46 [Info] [21:13:46] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:13:46 [Info] [21:13:46] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:15:04 [Info] [21:15:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:15:04 [Info] [21:15:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:20:29 [Info] [21:20:29] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x17 PlayerGUID: 76561198114252555 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198114252555 PlayerName: kiberlog
06/14/2022 18:20:32 [Info] [21:20:32] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x17 Session: 23 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 18:20:32 [Info] [21:20:32] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x17.
06/14/2022 18:20:33 [Info] [21:20:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x17 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:20:33 [Info] [21:20:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x17
06/14/2022 18:20:33 [Info] [21:20:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x17 Session: 23 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 18:22:10 [Info] [21:22:10] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x18 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerName: 8989
06/14/2022 18:22:12 [Info] [21:22:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x18 Session: 24 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 18:22:12 [Info] [21:22:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x18.
06/14/2022 18:22:13 [Info] [21:22:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:22:13 [Info] [21:22:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x18
06/14/2022 18:22:13 [Info] [21:22:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x18 Session: 24 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 18:25:16 [Info] [21:25:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x17 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:25:17 [Info] [21:25:17] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x17 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:26:41 [Info] [21:26:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x16 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481
06/14/2022 18:27:04 [Info] [21:27:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:27:04 [Info] [21:27:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:27:04 [Info] [21:27:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:27:30 [Info] [21:27:30] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x18 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495
06/14/2022 18:33:11 [Info] [21:33:11] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x19 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerName: 8989
06/14/2022 18:33:14 [Info] [21:33:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x19 Session: 25 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 18:33:14 [Info] [21:33:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x19.
06/14/2022 18:33:15 [Info] [21:33:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x19 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:33:15 [Info] [21:33:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x19
06/14/2022 18:33:15 [Info] [21:33:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x19 Session: 25 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 18:40:26 [Info] [21:40:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x19 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:40:26 [Info] [21:40:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x19 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:40:45 [Info] [21:40:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x15 PlayerGUID: 76561199154917281
06/14/2022 18:41:01 [Info] [21:41:01] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x19 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495
06/14/2022 18:42:07 [Error] [21:42:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Send operation failed with 0, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 18:42:07 [Info] [21:42:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 18:42:07 [Info] [21:42:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 18:43:51 [Warning] [21:43:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 18:43:59 [Info] [21:43:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xf Session: 15 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:08 [Info] [21:44:08] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x17 Session: 23 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:13 [Info] [21:44:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x2 Session: 2 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:19 [Info] [21:44:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x14 Session: 20 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:42 [Info] [21:44:42] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x10 Session: 16 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:45:51 [Info] [21:45:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 19:39:51 [Error] [22:39:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Receive operation failed with -1, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 19:39:51 [Info] [22:39:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 19:39:51 [Info] [22:39:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 19:41:51 [Warning] [22:41:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 19:43:51 [Info] [22:43:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
полагаясь на логи работы еака попробую найти причину с помощью онлайн гадания на картах таро(https://inpot.ru/?p=23484).
собственно результаты гадания
  • Ха-ха-ха
Реакции: Oxide Россия
Может кто увидит что-то
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetLogCallback] Procedure: 0x41c00820 LogLevel: Verb.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Initialize] ServerName: 'Rust Division Main [MAX3|X2] Wipe 10.06' RegisterTimeout: 20.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 1h EventName: 'game_round_start' Parameters: { map_name (string) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 2h EventName: 'game_round_end' Parameters: { winning_team_id (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 3h EventName: 'player_spawn' Parameters: { player (client), team_id (uint32), character_id (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 4h EventName: 'player_despawn' Parameters: { player (client), player_death (uint32), player_killer (client) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 5h EventName: 'player_revive' Parameters: { player_revived (client), player_reviving (client) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 6h EventName: 'player_tick' Parameters: { player (client), player_position (vec3f), player_viewrotation (quat), player_health (uint32), player_tickflags (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 7h EventName: 'player_useweapon' Parameters: { player (client), player_position (vec3f), player_viewrotation (quat), player_fov (uint32), weapon_id (uint32), melee_attack (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 8h EventName: 'player_takedamage' Parameters: { player_victim (client), player_victim_position (vec3f), player_victim_viewrotation (quat), player_attacker (client), player_attacker_position (vec3f), player_attacker_viewrotation (quat), player_attacker_fov (uint32), weapon_id (uint32), hitbone_id (uint32), damage_taken (uint32), damage_flags (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 9h EventName: 'player_downed' Parameters: { player_victim (client), player_attacker (client) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Ah EventName: 'player_death' Parameters: { victim (client), victim_shots_fired (uint64), victim_shots_landed (uint64), attacker (client), attacker_shots_fired (uint64), attacker_shots_landed (uint64) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Bh EventName: 'game_round_start_v2' Parameters: { map_name (string), mode_name (string), round_time_seconds (uint32), start_frame_number (uint64), start_delta_seconds (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Ch EventName: 'game_round_start_v3' Parameters: { gamesessionid (string), map_name (string), mode_name (string), round_time_seconds (uint32), start_frame_number (uint64), start_delta_seconds (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Info] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Dh EventName: 'player_use_ability' Parameters: { player (client), ability_id (uint32), ability_duration_ms (uint32), ability_cooldown_ms (uint32), ability_effect_flags (uint32) }.
06/14/2022 13:47:51 [Error] [16:47:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [LogEvent] BeginFrame has not been called!
06/14/2022 13:49:06 [Info] [16:49:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x1 PlayerGUID: 76561198358800394 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198358800394 PlayerName: снайпер
06/14/2022 13:49:06 [Info] [16:49:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 13:49:08 [Info] [16:49:08] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x1 Session: 1 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x1.
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x1
06/14/2022 13:49:09 [Info] [16:49:09] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x1 Session: 1 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:01:15 [Info] [17:01:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:01:15 [Info] [17:01:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:01:15 [Info] [17:01:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x1 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x1 PlayerGUID: 76561198358800394
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Server empty, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 14:14:45 [Info] [17:14:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 14:30:33 [Info] [17:30:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x2 PlayerGUID: 76561198120229450 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198120229450 PlayerName: //
06/14/2022 14:30:33 [Info] [17:30:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 14:30:35 [Info] [17:30:35] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x2 Session: 2 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:30:35 [Info] [17:30:35] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x2.
06/14/2022 14:30:36 [Info] [17:30:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:30:36 [Info] [17:30:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x2
06/14/2022 14:30:36 [Info] [17:30:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x2 Session: 2 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:34:06 [Info] [17:34:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:34:07 [Info] [17:34:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:45:02 [Info] [17:45:02] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x3 PlayerGUID: 76561199158780679 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199158780679 PlayerName: Tanya
06/14/2022 14:45:04 [Info] [17:45:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x3 Session: 3 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x3.
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x3
06/14/2022 14:45:05 [Info] [17:45:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x3 Session: 3 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:47:05 [Info] [17:47:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:47:05 [Info] [17:47:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:47:06 [Info] [17:47:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:49:55 [Info] [17:49:55] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x4 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerName: Хабар принёс?
06/14/2022 14:49:58 [Info] [17:49:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x4 Session: 4 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:49:58 [Info] [17:49:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x4.
06/14/2022 14:49:59 [Info] [17:49:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x4 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:49:59 [Info] [17:49:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x4
06/14/2022 14:49:59 [Info] [17:49:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x4 Session: 4 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:50:02 [Info] [17:50:02] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x4 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202
06/14/2022 14:51:41 [Info] [17:51:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x5 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerName: Хабар принёс?
06/14/2022 14:51:43 [Info] [17:51:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x5 Session: 5 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:51:43 [Info] [17:51:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x5.
06/14/2022 14:51:44 [Info] [17:51:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x5 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:51:44 [Info] [17:51:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x5
06/14/2022 14:51:44 [Info] [17:51:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x5 Session: 5 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:51:45 [Info] [17:51:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x5 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202
06/14/2022 14:51:47 [Info] [17:51:47] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x6 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199067695202 PlayerName: Хабар принёс?
06/14/2022 14:51:49 [Info] [17:51:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x6 Session: 6 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 14:51:49 [Info] [17:51:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x6.
06/14/2022 14:51:50 [Info] [17:51:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:51:50 [Info] [17:51:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x6
06/14/2022 14:51:50 [Info] [17:51:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x6 Session: 6 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 14:53:07 [Info] [17:53:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:53:07 [Info] [17:53:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 14:54:50 [Info] [17:54:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:54:50 [Info] [17:54:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 14:54:50 [Info] [17:54:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:01:26 [Info] [18:01:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:01:27 [Info] [18:01:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x3 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:03:04 [Info] [18:03:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x3 PlayerGUID: 76561199158780679
06/14/2022 15:06:01 [Info] [18:06:01] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x7 PlayerGUID: 76561198038976815 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198038976815 PlayerName: -Awake
06/14/2022 15:06:04 [Info] [18:06:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x7 Session: 7 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 15:06:04 [Info] [18:06:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x7.
06/14/2022 15:06:05 [Info] [18:06:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:06:05 [Info] [18:06:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x7
06/14/2022 15:06:05 [Info] [18:06:05] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x7 Session: 7 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 15:07:53 [Info] [18:07:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x8 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerName: Cave_dweller
06/14/2022 15:07:58 [Info] [18:07:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:07:58 [Info] [18:07:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:07:58 [Info] [18:07:58] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:08:13 [Info] [18:08:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x8 Session: 8 Status: Client Authentication Failed Message: Authentication timed out (1/2).
06/14/2022 15:08:13 [Info] [18:08:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x8 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614
06/14/2022 15:09:51 [Info] [18:09:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:09:51 [Info] [18:09:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x7 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:12:40 [Info] [18:12:40] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x9 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerName: Cave_dweller
06/14/2022 15:13:00 [Info] [18:13:00] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x9 Session: 9 Status: Client Authentication Failed Message: Authentication timed out (1/2).
06/14/2022 15:13:00 [Info] [18:13:00] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x9 PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614
06/14/2022 15:21:47 [Info] [18:21:47] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xa PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198128532614 PlayerName: Cave_dweller
06/14/2022 15:21:50 [Info] [18:21:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xa Session: 10 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 15:21:50 [Info] [18:21:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xa.
06/14/2022 15:21:51 [Info] [18:21:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xa NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:21:51 [Info] [18:21:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xa
06/14/2022 15:21:51 [Info] [18:21:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xa Session: 10 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 15:22:12 [Info] [18:22:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xa PlayerGUID: 76561198128532614
06/14/2022 15:41:40 [Info] [18:41:40] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:41:40 [Info] [18:41:40] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 15:41:44 [Info] [18:41:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x7 PlayerGUID: 76561198038976815
06/14/2022 15:42:15 [Error] [18:42:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection timed out, response delay was: 24 s.
06/14/2022 15:42:15 [Info] [18:42:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 15:42:15 [Info] [18:42:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 15:43:51 [Warning] [18:43:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 15:45:51 [Info] [18:45:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 15:46:11 [Info] [18:46:11] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 15:46:11 [Info] [18:46:11] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:06:37 [Error] [19:06:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Receive operation failed with -1, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 16:06:37 [Info] [19:06:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 16:06:37 [Info] [19:06:36] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 16:07:51 [Warning] [19:07:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 16:09:51 [Info] [19:09:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 16:14:20 [Info] [19:14:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xb PlayerGUID: 76561198136957287 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198136957287 PlayerName: Amado
06/14/2022 16:14:22 [Info] [19:14:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xb Session: 11 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:14:22 [Info] [19:14:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xb.
06/14/2022 16:14:23 [Info] [19:14:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:14:23 [Info] [19:14:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xb
06/14/2022 16:14:23 [Info] [19:14:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xb Session: 11 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:17:19 [Info] [19:17:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:17:19 [Info] [19:17:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:17:29 [Info] [19:17:29] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:17:30 [Info] [19:17:30] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xb NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:31:12 [Info] [19:31:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xc PlayerGUID: 76561197997557116 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561197997557116 PlayerName: 2pic
06/14/2022 16:31:14 [Info] [19:31:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xc Session: 12 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:31:14 [Info] [19:31:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xc.
06/14/2022 16:31:15 [Info] [19:31:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:31:15 [Info] [19:31:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xc
06/14/2022 16:31:15 [Info] [19:31:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xc Session: 12 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:33:24 [Info] [19:33:24] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xd PlayerGUID: 76561198122871240 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198122871240 PlayerName: MrKy3bIw
06/14/2022 16:33:26 [Info] [19:33:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xd Session: 13 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:33:26 [Info] [19:33:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xd.
06/14/2022 16:33:27 [Info] [19:33:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xd NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:33:27 [Info] [19:33:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xd
06/14/2022 16:33:27 [Info] [19:33:27] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xd Session: 13 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:34:53 [Info] [19:34:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:34:53 [Info] [19:34:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:35:33 [Info] [19:35:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:35:34 [Info] [19:35:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:36:13 [Info] [19:36:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xd PlayerGUID: 76561198122871240
06/14/2022 16:36:57 [Info] [19:36:57] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:36:57 [Info] [19:36:57] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xc NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:37:04 [Info] [19:37:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:37:04 [Info] [19:37:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x6 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:37:39 [Info] [19:37:39] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x6 PlayerGUID: 76561199067695202
06/14/2022 16:38:16 [Info] [19:38:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xe PlayerGUID: 76561199241288315 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199241288315 PlayerName: i cant breath
06/14/2022 16:38:19 [Info] [19:38:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xe Session: 14 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 16:38:19 [Info] [19:38:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xe.
06/14/2022 16:38:20 [Info] [19:38:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:38:20 [Info] [19:38:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xe
06/14/2022 16:38:20 [Info] [19:38:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xe Session: 14 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 16:39:38 [Info] [19:39:38] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xc PlayerGUID: 76561197997557116
06/14/2022 16:41:49 [Info] [19:41:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:41:49 [Info] [19:41:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 16:41:50 [Info] [19:41:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 16:51:28 [Info] [19:51:28] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xb PlayerGUID: 76561198136957287
06/14/2022 17:03:18 [Info] [20:03:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0xf PlayerGUID: 76561199041119876 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199041119876 PlayerName: СЕКСИ ПУПОК
06/14/2022 17:03:21 [Info] [20:03:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xf Session: 15 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:03:21 [Info] [20:03:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0xf.
06/14/2022 17:03:22 [Info] [20:03:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:03:22 [Info] [20:03:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0xf
06/14/2022 17:03:22 [Info] [20:03:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xf Session: 15 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:06:53 [Info] [20:06:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:06:53 [Info] [20:06:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:23:01 [Info] [20:23:01] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x10 PlayerGUID: 76561198260651270 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198260651270 PlayerName: Cepera108
06/14/2022 17:23:03 [Info] [20:23:03] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x10 Session: 16 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:23:03 [Info] [20:23:03] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x10.
06/14/2022 17:23:04 [Info] [20:23:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:23:04 [Info] [20:23:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x10
06/14/2022 17:23:04 [Info] [20:23:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x10 Session: 16 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:23:41 [Info] [20:23:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x11 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerName: kulakov.daniel
06/14/2022 17:23:44 [Info] [20:23:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x11 Session: 17 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:23:44 [Info] [20:23:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x11.
06/14/2022 17:23:45 [Info] [20:23:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:23:45 [Info] [20:23:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x11
06/14/2022 17:23:45 [Info] [20:23:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x11 Session: 17 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:25:54 [Info] [20:25:54] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:25:54 [Info] [20:25:54] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:26:16 [Info] [20:26:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:16 [Info] [20:26:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:16 [Info] [20:26:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x11 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:26:18 [Info] [20:26:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:18 [Info] [20:26:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:26:18 [Info] [20:26:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:37:34 [Info] [20:37:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:37:34 [Info] [20:37:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:37:51 [Info] [20:37:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:37:51 [Info] [20:37:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:38:04 [Info] [20:38:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x12 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerName: ЛЯГУСЬКАCHEBYREK
06/14/2022 17:38:06 [Info] [20:38:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x12 Session: 18 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:38:06 [Info] [20:38:06] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x12.
06/14/2022 17:38:07 [Info] [20:38:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x12 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:38:07 [Info] [20:38:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x12
06/14/2022 17:38:07 [Info] [20:38:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x12 Session: 18 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:38:33 [Info] [20:38:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:38:34 [Info] [20:38:34] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xe NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:38:46 [Info] [20:38:46] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0xe PlayerGUID: 76561199241288315
06/14/2022 17:42:32 [Info] [20:42:32] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x12 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060
06/14/2022 17:47:31 [Info] [20:47:31] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x11 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481
06/14/2022 17:52:49 [Info] [20:52:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x13 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199094543060 PlayerName: ЛЯГУСЬКАCHEBYREK
06/14/2022 17:52:52 [Info] [20:52:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x13 Session: 19 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:52:52 [Info] [20:52:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x13.
06/14/2022 17:52:53 [Info] [20:52:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x13 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:52:53 [Info] [20:52:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x13
06/14/2022 17:52:53 [Info] [20:52:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x13 Session: 19 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:56:14 [Info] [20:56:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:56:14 [Info] [20:56:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:56:41 [Info] [20:56:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x14 PlayerGUID: 76561198204063243 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198204063243 PlayerName: ALIAS#RustCases.com
06/14/2022 17:56:42 [Info] [20:56:42] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:56:43 [Info] [20:56:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x2 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:56:43 [Info] [20:56:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x14 Session: 20 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:56:43 [Info] [20:56:43] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x14.
06/14/2022 17:56:44 [Info] [20:56:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:56:44 [Info] [20:56:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x14
06/14/2022 17:56:44 [Info] [20:56:44] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x14 Session: 20 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:57:10 [Info] [20:57:10] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x15 PlayerGUID: 76561199154917281 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199154917281 PlayerName: LIME
06/14/2022 17:57:12 [Info] [20:57:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x15 Session: 21 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:57:12 [Info] [20:57:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x15.
06/14/2022 17:57:13 [Info] [20:57:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:57:13 [Info] [20:57:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x15
06/14/2022 17:57:13 [Info] [20:57:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x15 Session: 21 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:57:21 [Info] [20:57:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:57:21 [Info] [20:57:21] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 17:58:20 [Info] [20:58:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x16 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198144797481 PlayerName: kulakov.daniel
06/14/2022 17:58:22 [Info] [20:58:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x16 Session: 22 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 17:58:22 [Info] [20:58:22] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x16.
06/14/2022 17:58:23 [Info] [20:58:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:58:23 [Info] [20:58:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x16
06/14/2022 17:58:23 [Info] [20:58:23] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x16 Session: 22 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 17:59:12 [Info] [20:59:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 17:59:13 [Info] [20:59:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x10 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:03:19 [Info] [21:03:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:03:20 [Info] [21:03:20] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:04:13 [Info] [21:04:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:04:13 [Info] [21:04:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:04:14 [Info] [21:04:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x14 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:05:18 [Info] [21:05:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:05:18 [Info] [21:05:18] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:06:49 [Info] [21:06:49] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:06:50 [Info] [21:06:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:06:50 [Info] [21:06:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:06:50 [Info] [21:06:50] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:09:26 [Info] [21:09:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:09:26 [Info] [21:09:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:09:57 [Info] [21:09:57] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x13 PlayerGUID: 76561199094543060
06/14/2022 18:10:16 [Info] [21:10:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:10:17 [Info] [21:10:17] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:12:45 [Info] [21:12:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:12:45 [Info] [21:12:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:12:52 [Info] [21:12:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:12:52 [Info] [21:12:52] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:12:53 [Info] [21:12:53] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x15 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:13:46 [Info] [21:13:46] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:13:46 [Info] [21:13:46] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0xf NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:15:04 [Info] [21:15:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:15:04 [Info] [21:15:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x16 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:20:29 [Info] [21:20:29] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x17 PlayerGUID: 76561198114252555 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561198114252555 PlayerName: kiberlog
06/14/2022 18:20:32 [Info] [21:20:32] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x17 Session: 23 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 18:20:32 [Info] [21:20:32] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x17.
06/14/2022 18:20:33 [Info] [21:20:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x17 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:20:33 [Info] [21:20:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x17
06/14/2022 18:20:33 [Info] [21:20:33] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x17 Session: 23 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 18:22:10 [Info] [21:22:10] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x18 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerName: 8989
06/14/2022 18:22:12 [Info] [21:22:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x18 Session: 24 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 18:22:12 [Info] [21:22:12] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x18.
06/14/2022 18:22:13 [Info] [21:22:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:22:13 [Info] [21:22:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x18
06/14/2022 18:22:13 [Info] [21:22:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x18 Session: 24 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 18:25:16 [Info] [21:25:16] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x17 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:25:17 [Info] [21:25:17] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x17 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:26:41 [Info] [21:26:41] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x16 PlayerGUID: 76561198144797481
06/14/2022 18:27:04 [Info] [21:27:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:27:04 [Info] [21:27:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:27:04 [Info] [21:27:04] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x18 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:27:30 [Info] [21:27:30] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x18 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495
06/14/2022 18:33:11 [Info] [21:33:11] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [RegisterClient] Client: 0x19 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerIP: OwnerGUID: 76561199179289495 PlayerName: 8989
06/14/2022 18:33:14 [Info] [21:33:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x19 Session: 25 Status: Client Authenticated Message: Client authenticated.
06/14/2022 18:33:14 [Info] [21:33:14] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (1/2). Client: 0x19.
06/14/2022 18:33:15 [Info] [21:33:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x19 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:33:15 [Info] [21:33:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Register Client] Success (2/2). Client: 0x19
06/14/2022 18:33:15 [Info] [21:33:15] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x19 Session: 25 Status: Client Authenticated Remotely Message: Client authenticated remotely.
06/14/2022 18:40:26 [Info] [21:40:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x19 NetworkActive: No.
06/14/2022 18:40:26 [Info] [21:40:26] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetClientNetworkState] ClientObject: 0x19 NetworkActive: Yes.
06/14/2022 18:40:45 [Info] [21:40:45] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x15 PlayerGUID: 76561199154917281
06/14/2022 18:41:01 [Info] [21:41:01] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [UnregisterClient] Client: 0x19 PlayerGUID: 76561199179289495
06/14/2022 18:42:07 [Error] [21:42:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Send operation failed with 0, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 18:42:07 [Info] [21:42:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 18:42:07 [Info] [21:42:07] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 18:43:51 [Warning] [21:43:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 18:43:59 [Info] [21:43:59] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0xf Session: 15 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:08 [Info] [21:44:08] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x17 Session: 23 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:13 [Info] [21:44:13] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x2 Session: 2 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:19 [Info] [21:44:19] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x14 Session: 20 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:44:42 [Info] [21:44:42] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [QueueClientUpdate] Client: 0x10 Session: 16 Status: Client Violation Message: Connection timed out.
06/14/2022 18:45:51 [Info] [21:45:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
06/14/2022 19:39:51 [Error] [22:39:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Err!] [Cerberus] [Backend] Receive operation failed with -1, disconnecting.
06/14/2022 19:39:51 [Info] [22:39:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Scheduling disconnect task.
06/14/2022 19:39:51 [Info] [22:39:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Disconnected.
06/14/2022 19:41:51 [Warning] [22:41:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Warn] [Cerberus] [Backend] [Think] Reconnection not allowed yet, reconnection interval is 120 seconds.
06/14/2022 19:43:51 [Info] [22:43:51] [Linux] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [Backend] Connection established.
В логе античита увидеть причину падения сервера?

Это лог античита, а не самого сервера.
мне вот интересно. когда люди выкладывают подобные посты - на что они вообще рассчитывают? всем форумом видимо должны упрашивать инфу, чтобы помочь решить проблему.
я бы удалял нахой такие посты из-за в целом неуважения к людям, которые обычно в подобных проблемах разбираются, потому что они в пустую тратят время, выпрашивая то, что уже должно быть в первом сообщение написано/прикреплено.

полагаясь на логи работы еака попробую найти причину с помощью онлайн гадания на картах таро(https://inpot.ru/?p=23484).
собственно результаты гадания
А вот и токсик подъехал.
Подскажите пожалуйста тогда где логи?
А вот и токсик подъехал.
Подскажите пожалуйста тогда где логи?
Совершенно не токсик, написал как есть, по факту мы высасываем из тебя каждый вопрос.
Где чекнуть логи? Серьезно?
Как давно открыт проект?
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Oxide Россия
Совершенно не токсик, написал как есть, по факту мы высасываем из тебя каждый вопрос.
Где чекнуть логи? Серьезно?
Как давно открыт проект?
Да серьезно, я не знаю.
Да серьезно, я не знаю.

Если хочешь получить помощь, так распиши всё подробно.
У тебя на хостинге сервер? Если да, то где.
Зайди в папку сервера и поищи все файлы logs и скидывай сюда. (У меня к примеру две папки logs, одна отвечает за плагины oxide, вторая за работу сервера со стороны Хостинга)

Сделай скрин твоих всех рабочих плагинов (plugins в консоле и скрин делай)
Да серьезно, я не знаю.
Ты как бы сам дал себе ответ еще в первом сообщении.
Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh
(Filename: Line: 648)
Эта информация из лога сервера.

Собственно в нем и нужно искать в самом конце по какой причине сервер упал.
Конечно, при условии что данный лог не перезаписывается каждую перезагрузку.
Если он перезаписывается, то увы, тут уже концов не найти.
я бы удалял нахой такие посты из-за в целом неуважения к людям, которые обычно в подобных проблемах разбираются, потому что они в пустую тратят время, выпрашивая то, что уже должно быть в первом сообщение написано/прикреплено.
Добрый день, после последнего обновления rust, сервер начал падать. Иногда помогает перезапуск, но не надолго. В консоли только такая ошибка спамится:
Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh
(Filename: Line: 648)
Может кто сталкивался?
много вариантов на самом деле, хочешь пошли в дс выясним причину
много вариантов на самом деле, я прочитал что ты недавно открыл сервер скорее всего взял слабенький хост, скорее всего в аперативе дело потому что ты сказал что перезапуск не на долго помогает это как раз из один признаков, аператива забивается перезапускаешь вроде нормально, но через какое-то время она снова забивается и сервер ложится, если хочешь пошли в дс выясним причину
Пока никто не печатает сообщение