Error while compiling: TCUpgrades.cs(1790,32): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `CuiElementContainer'
private void AuthList(BasePlayer player)
BuildingPrivlidge privlidge = player.GetBuildingPrivilege();
if (privlidge == null) return;
var container = new CuiElementContainer();
#region Top
container.Add(new CuiPanel
CursorEnabled = true,
Image = { Color = "0.969 0.922 0.882 0.035", Material = "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur-ingamemenu.mat" },
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.5 0", AnchorMax = "0.5 0", OffsetMin = "-113.095 360", OffsetMax = "188.693 616.546" }
}, "Hud.Menu", "AuthList");
container.Add(new CuiPanel
Image = { Color = "0.1294118 0.1372549 0.1098039 0" },
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "-150.895 98.938", OffsetMax = "150.895 128.942" }
}, "AuthList", "Top");
container.Add(new CuiElement
Name = "Image_1931",
Parent = "Top",
Components = {
new CuiRawImageComponent { Color = "0.5137255 0.5294118 0.5450981 1", Png = GetImage("") },
new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "-142.5 -11", OffsetMax = "-120.5 11" }
container.Add(new CuiElement
Name = "Label_4892",
Parent = "Top",
Components = {
new CuiTextComponent { Text = "PLAYERS AUTHORIZED TO THIS TOOL CUPBOARD!", Font = "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", FontSize = 11, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Color = "0.909804 0.8705883 0.8352942 1" },
new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "-117.224 -15.002", OffsetMax = "117.822 14.517" }
container.Add(new CuiButton
Button = { Color = "0.7764707 0.2470588 0.1568628 1", Command = "tcupgrades.cmd close_authlist" },
Text = { Text = "✘", Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Color = "1 1 1 1" },
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "126.3 -10", OffsetMax = "147.3 11" }
}, "Top", "Button_5678");
container.Add(new CuiPanel
CursorEnabled = false,
Image = { Color = "1 1 1 0" },
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "-148.343 -125.287", OffsetMax = "147.83 96.386" }
}, "AuthList", "MainList");
private void AuthList(BasePlayer player)
BuildingPrivlidge privlidge = player.GetBuildingPrivilege();
if (privlidge == null) return;
var container = new CuiElementContainer();
#region Top
container.Add(new CuiPanel
CursorEnabled = true,
Image = { Color = "0.969 0.922 0.882 0.035", Material = "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur-ingamemenu.mat" },
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.5 0", AnchorMax = "0.5 0", OffsetMin = "-113.095 360", OffsetMax = "188.693 616.546" }
}, "Hud.Menu", "AuthList");
container.Add(new CuiPanel
Image = { Color = "0.1294118 0.1372549 0.1098039 0" },
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "-150.895 98.938", OffsetMax = "150.895 128.942" }
}, "AuthList", "Top");
container.Add(new CuiElement
Name = "Image_1931",
Parent = "Top",
Components = {
new CuiRawImageComponent { Color = "0.5137255 0.5294118 0.5450981 1", Png = GetImage("") },
new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "-142.5 -11", OffsetMax = "-120.5 11" }
container.Add(new CuiElement
Name = "Label_4892",
Parent = "Top",
Components = {
new CuiTextComponent { Text = "PLAYERS AUTHORIZED TO THIS TOOL CUPBOARD!", Font = "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", FontSize = 11, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Color = "0.909804 0.8705883 0.8352942 1" },
new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "-117.224 -15.002", OffsetMax = "117.822 14.517" }
container.Add(new CuiButton
Button = { Color = "0.7764707 0.2470588 0.1568628 1", Command = "tcupgrades.cmd close_authlist" },
Text = { Text = "✘", Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Color = "1 1 1 1" },
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "126.3 -10", OffsetMax = "147.3 11" }
}, "Top", "Button_5678");
container.Add(new CuiPanel
CursorEnabled = false,
Image = { Color = "1 1 1 0" },
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5", AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5", OffsetMin = "-148.343 -125.287", OffsetMax = "147.83 96.386" }
}, "AuthList", "MainList");