{"Minimum time between events [sec.]"
"Maximum time between events [sec.]"
"Duration of the event [sec.]"
"Time before the starting of the event after receiving a chat message [sec.]"
"Notification time until the end of the event [sec.]"
"Delayed departure of CH47 after the start of the event [sec.]"
"Do you want to use the AlphaLoot in crates? [true/false]"
"Do you want to use the CustomLoot in crates? [true/false]"
"Does an additional Bradley appear at the beginning of the event? [true/false]"
"Do you create a PVP zone in the event area? (only for users TruePVE plugin) [true/false]"
"Interrupt the teleport in Satellite Dish? (only for users NTeleportation plugin) [true/false]"
"Prefix of chat messages"
"Do you use the chat? [true/false]"
"The CCTV camera"
"Flight altitude CH47 [m.]"
"Plane flight speed multiplier"
"Disable NPCs from the BetterNpc plugin on the monument while the event is on? [true/false]"}