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Платное CheatersCheck 2.3.0

Требуемый плагин
  1. https://oxide-russia.ru/resources/1757/
you can stop players that doing against the rules or cheating from playing and send a chat message to them automatically
for pc check request or ...

in that time you can ask the player to search about cheats names on pc or .... this checking depends on you and your server rules.

the SendCode system work on your own servers ticket or reporting system and customizable
if you don't have any u can use the SendCose plugin that in the required plugin part
  • unknown.png
    43.3 KB · Просмотры: 87
  • unknown.png
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CheatersCheck – You can stop and call the peoples that got reports/cheating/or doing against the rules for check.
You can stop and call the peoples that got reports/cheating/or doing against the rules for check.


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