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Платное Structure Upgrade 0.6.5

  1. Английский
About Structure Upgrade

StructureUpgrade allows players to upgrade entire structures, regardless of size, quickly, efficiently and securely using as much of Rust's code as possible to maintain stability.
StructureUpgrade was built for performance from the ground up, and resolves many issues in free alternatives such as exploits, client & server crashes, and extreme lag.

  • Upgrades entire buildings, regardless of size, without causing lag in batches.
  • Determines upgrade costs, handles taking costs from player inventory, dominating tool cupboard, and soon, storages inside the structure. Several checks ensure payment is taken correctly, and when refunding is added even more checks will be implemented.
  • Resumes upgrading efficiently where it left off after a server crash or plugin reload.
  • Supports a virtually infinite queue with optimized queue storage, jobs are stored and tracked in a data file and worked one at a time. Players are notified when their job starts.
  • Unlike the simpler free alternative this plugin is optimized to prevent crashing on upgrading large structures, optimized to eliminate server lag, only a small frame drop for players looking at the structure.
  • Uses Rusts existing building system rather than a janky, laggy alternative. We don't to build lists of entities because Rust already maintains that for us. We're just manipulating and using that information.
  • Free alternative has an exploit allowing players to unintentionally upgrade nearby structures that aren't theirs, StructureUpgrade resolves that issue.

  • structureupgrade.admin - Allows the player to upgrade structures without being authenticated on the tool cabinet.
  • structureupgrade.free - Allows the player to bypass the upgrade costs when upgrading. They still must be authenticated on the tool cabinet.
  • structureupgrade.up - Allows the player to use the /tc command.
  • structureupgrade.uptc - Allows the player to use the /uptc command.
  • structureupgrade.ups - Allows the player to use the /ups command.
  • structureupgrade.norefund - Disables refunding cost when using /down for that player.

Chat Commands
Up Command

  • Adds an upgrade job to queue after verifying and taking payment from the players inventory.
  • Usage: /up {NewGrade}
  • Usage Example: /up 2 (Upgrades structure to Stone Tier)
  • Parameters
    • NewGrade - What grade you'd like to upgrade to. 0 = Twig, 1 = Wood, 2 = Stone, 3 = Sheet Metal, 4 = High Quality
  • Conditions For Use
    1. If using NoEscape Plugin - Player is not currently RaidBlocked.
    2. Provided NewGrade variable is inside supported range; currently 0 - 4.
    3. Command is run by a player.
    4. Player is inside building privilege.
    5. Player is authenticated on dominating tool cabinet, or has permission structureupgrade.admin.
    6. Player has upgrade costs in inventory, or has permission structureupgrade.free.
Down Command
  • Adds an downgrade job to queue after verifying and refunding cost to the players inventory. (Disable refund by giving player structureupgrade.norefund permission)
  • Usage: /down {NewGrade}
  • Usage Example: /down 2 (Downgrades structure to Stone Tier)
  • Parameters
    • NewGrade - What grade you'd like to downgrade to. 0 = Twig, 1 = Wood, 2 = Stone, 3 = Sheet Metal, 4 = High Quality
  • Conditions For Use
    1. If using NoEscape Plugin - Player is not currently RaidBlocked.
    2. Provided NewGrade variable is inside supported range; currently 0 - 4.
    3. Command is run by a player.
    4. Player is inside building privilege.
    5. Player is authenticated on dominating tool cabinet, or has permission structureupgrade.admin.
    6. Player has space for refunded resources in main inventory, or has permission structureupgrade.norefund.
UpTc Command
  • This command functions like /up except payment is taken out of the dominating tool cupboard.
  • Usage: /uptc {NewGrade}
  • Usage Example: /uptc 2 (Upgrades structure to Stone Tier)
  • Parameters
    • NewGrade - What grade you'd like to upgrade to. 0 = Twig, 1 = Wood, 2 = Stone, 3 = Sheet Metal, 4 = High Quality
  • Conditions For Use
    1. If using NoEscape Plugin - Player is not currently RaidBlocked.
    2. Provided NewGrade variable is inside supported range; currently 0 - 4.
    3. Command is run by a player.
    4. Player is inside building privilege.
    5. Player is authenticated on dominating tool cabinet, or has permission structureupgrade.admin.
    6. Player has upgrade costs in inventory, or has permission structureupgrade.free.
UpS Command
  • Upgrades the structure, takes payment from storages attached to the structure.
  • Usage: /ups {NewGrade}
  • Usage Example: /ups 2 (Upgrades structure to Stone Tier)
  • Parameters
    • NewGrade - What grade you'd like to upgrade to. 0 = Twig, 1 = Wood, 2 = Stone, 3 = Sheet Metal, 4 = High Quality
  • Conditions For Use
    1. If using NoEscape Plugin - Player is not currently RaidBlocked.
    2. Provided NewGrade variable is inside supported range; currently 0 - 4.
    3. Command is run by a player.
    4. Player is inside building privilege.
    5. Player is authenticated on dominating tool cabinet, or has permission structureupgrade.admin.
    6. Player has upgrade costs in building storages, or has permission structureupgrade.free.
      • AllowUpgradeFromTc - If enabled the /uptc command is registered, if disabled /uptc is not registered and will result in an unknown command error.
      • AllowUpgradeFromStorages - If enable the /ups command is registered, if disabled /uptc is not registered and will result in an unknown command error.
      • BatchSize - Determines how many building blocks are upgraded every UpgradeFrequency.
        • WARNING! :: Increasing this value does considerably reduce time to upgrade a structure. However for every 1 (one) increment players in the area will see a reduced 15 fps average. Setting this to 3 may kill fps by up to 30 in addition to the normal 20 or so. It is strongly recommended to modify UpgradeFrequency instead.
      • HidePrefixWithPluginNameInMessages - If enabled the [StructureUpgrade] branding is removed from all player communications, as this is attached programatically rather than through the lang file.
      • UpgradeFrequency - This is the frequency in fractions of a second that upgrades structures (quantity defined by BatchSize). This is optimized by default, lowering it too far will still cause lag. By default 1 block is upgraded every 25ms, or 0.025 seconds.
Structure Upgrade – Structure Upgrade allows players to upgrade entire structures
Structure Upgrade allows players to upgrade entire structures


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